mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:38:13 +01:00

* vue3-again: fix warning about custom component fix? fix some issues with trees removing uselsess stuff fix reset buttons in profile again fix spacing in poll expiration label registration fixes
123 lines
3.3 KiB
123 lines
3.3 KiB
var path = require('path')
var config = require('../config')
var utils = require('./utils')
var projectRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../')
var ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin = require('serviceworker-webpack-plugin')
var CopyPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
var { VueLoaderPlugin } = require('vue-loader')
var env = process.env.NODE_ENV
// check env & config/index.js to decide weither to enable CSS Sourcemaps for the
// various preprocessor loaders added to vue-loader at the end of this file
var cssSourceMapDev = (env === 'development' && config.dev.cssSourceMap)
var cssSourceMapProd = (env === 'production' && config.build.productionSourceMap)
var useCssSourceMap = cssSourceMapDev || cssSourceMapProd
var now = Date.now()
module.exports = {
entry: {
app: './src/main.js'
output: {
path: config.build.assetsRoot,
publicPath: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? config.build.assetsPublicPath : config.dev.assetsPublicPath,
filename: '[name].js'
optimization: {
splitChunks: {
chunks: 'all'
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.vue'],
modules: [
path.join(__dirname, '../node_modules')
alias: {
'static': path.resolve(__dirname, '../static'),
'src': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src'),
'assets': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/assets'),
'components': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/components')
module: {
noParse: /node_modules\/localforage\/dist\/localforage.js/,
rules: [
enforce: 'pre',
test: /\.(js|vue)$/,
include: projectRoot,
exclude: /node_modules/,
use: {
loader: 'eslint-loader',
options: {
formatter: require('eslint-friendly-formatter'),
sourceMap: config.build.productionSourceMap,
extract: true
test: /\.vue$/,
loader: 'vue-loader',
options: {
compilerOptions: {
isCustomElement(tag) {
if (tag === 'pinch-zoom') {
return true
return false
test: /\.jsx?$/,
include: projectRoot,
exclude: /node_modules\/(?!tributejs)/,
use: 'babel-loader'
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)(\?.*)?$/,
use: {
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
limit: 10000,
name: utils.assetsPath('img/[name].[hash:7].[ext]')
test: /\.(woff2?|eot|ttf|otf)(\?.*)?$/,
use: {
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
limit: 10000,
name: utils.assetsPath('fonts/[name].[hash:7].[ext]')
plugins: [
new ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin({
entry: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'src/sw.js'),
filename: 'sw-pleroma.js'
new VueLoaderPlugin(),
// This copies Ruffle's WASM to a directory so that JS side can access it
new CopyPlugin({
patterns: [
from: "node_modules/ruffle-mirror/*",
to: "static/ruffle",
flatten: true
options: {
concurrency: 100,