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    <div class="container header">
      <h1>fontello <small>font demo</small></h1>
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        <input type="checkbox" onclick="toggleCodes(this.checked)">show codes
    <div class="container" id="icons">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe800"><i class="demo-icon icon-cancel">&#xe800;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-cancel</span><span class="i-code">0xe800</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe801"><i class="demo-icon icon-upload">&#xe801;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-upload</span><span class="i-code">0xe801</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe802"><i class="demo-icon icon-star">&#xe802;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-star</span><span class="i-code">0xe802</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe803"><i class="demo-icon icon-star-empty">&#xe803;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-star-empty</span><span class="i-code">0xe803</span></div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe804"><i class="demo-icon icon-retweet">&#xe804;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-retweet</span><span class="i-code">0xe804</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe805"><i class="demo-icon icon-eye-off">&#xe805;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-eye-off</span><span class="i-code">0xe805</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe806"><i class="demo-icon icon-plus-squared">&#xe806;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-plus-squared</span><span class="i-code">0xe806</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe807"><i class="demo-icon icon-cog">&#xe807;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-cog</span><span class="i-code">0xe807</span></div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe808"><i class="demo-icon icon-logout">&#xe808;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-logout</span><span class="i-code">0xe808</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe809"><i class="demo-icon icon-down-open">&#xe809;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-down-open</span><span class="i-code">0xe809</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80a"><i class="demo-icon icon-attach">&#xe80a;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-attach</span><span class="i-code">0xe80a</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe832"><i class="demo-icon icon-spin3 animate-spin">&#xe832;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-spin3</span><span class="i-code">0xe832</span></div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe834"><i class="demo-icon icon-spin4 animate-spin">&#xe834;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-spin4</span><span class="i-code">0xe834</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf0c9"><i class="demo-icon icon-menu">&#xf0c9;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-menu</span><span class="i-code">0xf0c9</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf112"><i class="demo-icon icon-reply">&#xf112;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-reply</span><span class="i-code">0xf112</span></div>
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf1e5"><i class="demo-icon icon-binoculars">&#xf1e5;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-binoculars</span><span class="i-code">0xf1e5</span></div>
      <div class="row">
        <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf234"><i class="demo-icon icon-user-plus">&#xf234;</i> <span class="i-name">icon-user-plus</span><span class="i-code">0xf234</span></div>
    <div class="container footer">Generated by <a href="http://fontello.com">fontello.com</a></div>