#!/bin/bash VERSION="8.2" ./configure -C --enable-tiny && make && ./configure -C && echo "Running autogen..." && ./autogen.sh && rm -v -f m4/*.m4~ *.asc *.sig *.gz *.xz && echo "Rebuilding..." && make && po/update_linguas.sh && make distcheck && make dist-xz && git add po/*.po po/nanofur.pot po/LINGUAS && git commit -m "$(git log -1 --grep 'po: up' | grep o: | sed 's/^ //')" && gpg -a -b nanofur-$VERSION.tar.gz && gpg -a -b nanofur-$VERSION.tar.xz && gpg --verify nanofur-$VERSION.tar.gz.asc && gpg --verify nanofur-$VERSION.tar.xz.asc && git tag -u B8E1961F -a v$VERSION -m "the nanofur $VERSION release" && make pdf && rm -rf doc/nanofur.t2p && scp doc/nanofur.pdf bens@wh0rd.org:nanofur.pdf && scp doc/cheatsheet.html bens@wh0rd.org:cheatsheet.html && for file in nanofur-$VERSION.tar.*z*; do scp $file bens@wh0rd.org:$file; done && gnupload --to ftp.gnu.org:nanofur nanofur-$VERSION.tar.*z && echo "Tarballs have been rolled and uploaded."