floatingghost 88d5149db5 paginate-follow-requests (#277)
Co-authored-by: FloatingGhost <hannah@coffee-and-dreams.uk>
Reviewed-on: https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe/pulls/277
2023-02-04 21:09:09 +00:00

325 lines
12 KiB

import backendInteractorService from '../services/backend_interactor_service/backend_interactor_service.js'
import { WSConnectionStatus } from '../services/api/api.service.js'
import { map } from 'lodash'
const retryTimeout = (multiplier) => 1000 * multiplier
const isVisible = (store, message, visibility) => {
if (visibility === 'all') {
return true
} else if (visibility === 'following') {
return store.getters.relationship(message.in_reply_to_user_id).following
} else if (visibility === 'self') {
return message.in_reply_to_user_id === store.rootState.users.currentUser.id
return false
const api = {
state: {
retryMultiplier: 1,
backendInteractor: backendInteractorService(),
fetchers: {},
socket: null,
mastoUserSocket: null,
mastoUserSocketStatus: null,
followRequests: []
mutations: {
setBackendInteractor (state, backendInteractor) {
state.backendInteractor = backendInteractor
addFetcher (state, { fetcherName, fetcher }) {
state.fetchers[fetcherName] = fetcher
removeFetcher (state, { fetcherName, fetcher }) {
delete state.fetchers[fetcherName]
setWsToken (state, token) {
state.wsToken = token
setSocket (state, socket) {
state.socket = socket
setMastoUserSocketStatus (state, value) {
state.mastoUserSocketStatus = value
incrementRetryMultiplier (state) {
state.retryMultiplier = Math.max(++state.retryMultiplier, 3)
resetRetryMultiplier (state) {
state.retryMultiplier = 1
setFollowRequests (state, value) {
state.followRequests = [...value]
saveFollowRequests (state, requests) {
state.followRequests = [...state.followRequests, ...requests]
saveFollowRequestPagination (state, pagination) {
state.followRequestsPagination = pagination
actions: {
* Global MastoAPI socket control, in future should disable ALL sockets/(re)start relevant sockets
* @param {Boolean} [initial] - whether this enabling happened at boot time or not
enableMastoSockets (store, initial) {
const { state, dispatch, commit } = store
// Do not initialize unless nonexistent or closed
if (
state.mastoUserSocket &&
) {
if (initial) {
commit('setMastoUserSocketStatus', WSConnectionStatus.STARTING_INITIAL)
} else {
commit('setMastoUserSocketStatus', WSConnectionStatus.STARTING)
return dispatch('startMastoUserSocket')
disableMastoSockets (store) {
const { state, dispatch, commit } = store
if (!state.mastoUserSocket) return
commit('setMastoUserSocketStatus', WSConnectionStatus.DISABLED)
return dispatch('stopMastoUserSocket')
// MastoAPI 'User' sockets
startMastoUserSocket (store) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const { state, commit, dispatch, rootState } = store
const timelineData = rootState.statuses.timelines.friends
state.mastoUserSocket = state.backendInteractor.startUserSocket({ store })
({ detail: message }) => {
const replyVisibility = rootState.config.replyVisibility
if (!message) return // pings
if (message.event === 'notification') {
dispatch('addNewNotifications', {
notifications: [message.notification],
older: false
} else if (message.event === 'update' && isVisible(store, message.status, replyVisibility)) {
dispatch('addNewStatuses', {
statuses: [message.status],
userId: false,
showImmediately: timelineData.visibleStatuses.length === 0,
timeline: 'friends'
} else if (message.event === 'status.update' && isVisible(store, message.status, replyVisibility)) {
dispatch('addNewStatuses', {
statuses: [message.status],
userId: false,
showImmediately: message.status.id in timelineData.visibleStatusesObject,
timeline: 'friends'
} else if (message.event === 'delete') {
dispatch('deleteStatusById', message.id)
state.mastoUserSocket.addEventListener('open', () => {
// Do not show notification when we just opened up the page
if (state.mastoUserSocketStatus !== WSConnectionStatus.STARTING_INITIAL) {
dispatch('pushGlobalNotice', {
level: 'success',
messageKey: 'timeline.socket_reconnected',
timeout: 5000
// Stop polling if we were errored or disabled
if (new Set([
]).has(state.mastoUserSocketStatus)) {
dispatch('stopFetchingTimeline', { timeline: 'friends' })
commit('setMastoUserSocketStatus', WSConnectionStatus.JOINED)
state.mastoUserSocket.addEventListener('error', ({ detail: error }) => {
console.error('Error in MastoAPI websocket:', error)
state.mastoUserSocket.addEventListener('close', ({ detail: closeEvent }) => {
const ignoreCodes = new Set([
1000, // Normal (intended) closure
1001 // Going away
const { code } = closeEvent
if (ignoreCodes.has(code)) {
console.debug(`Not restarting socket becasue of closure code ${code} is in ignore list`)
commit('setMastoUserSocketStatus', WSConnectionStatus.CLOSED)
} else {
console.warn(`MastoAPI websocket disconnected, restarting. CloseEvent code: ${code}`)
setTimeout(() => {
}, retryTimeout(state.retryMultiplier))
if (state.mastoUserSocketStatus !== WSConnectionStatus.ERROR) {
dispatch('startFetchingTimeline', { timeline: 'friends' })
dispatch('pushGlobalNotice', {
level: 'error',
messageKey: 'timeline.socket_broke',
messageArgs: [code],
timeout: 5000
commit('setMastoUserSocketStatus', WSConnectionStatus.ERROR)
} catch (e) {
stopMastoUserSocket ({ state, dispatch }) {
dispatch('startFetchingTimeline', { timeline: 'friends' })
// Timelines
startFetchingTimeline (store, {
timeline = 'friends',
tag = false,
userId = false,
listId = false
}) {
if (store.state.fetchers[timeline]) return
const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetchingTimeline({
timeline, store, userId, listId, tag
store.commit('addFetcher', { fetcherName: timeline, fetcher })
stopFetchingTimeline (store, timeline) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers[timeline]
if (!fetcher) return
store.commit('removeFetcher', { fetcherName: timeline, fetcher })
fetchTimeline (store, timeline, { ...rest }) {
startFetchingConfig (store) {
if (store.state.fetchers.config) return
const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetchingConfig({ store })
store.commit('addFetcher', { fetcherName: 'config', fetcher })
stopFetchingConfig (store) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers.config
if (!fetcher) return
store.commit('removeFetcher', { fetcherName: 'config', fetcher })
// Notifications
startFetchingNotifications (store) {
if (store.state.fetchers.notifications) return
const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetchingNotifications({ store })
store.commit('addFetcher', { fetcherName: 'notifications', fetcher })
stopFetchingNotifications (store) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers.notifications
if (!fetcher) return
store.commit('removeFetcher', { fetcherName: 'notifications', fetcher })
fetchNotifications (store, { ...rest }) {
removeFollowRequest (store, request) {
let requests = [...store.state.followRequests].filter((it) => it.id !== request.id)
store.commit('setFollowRequests', requests)
fetchFollowRequests ({ rootState, commit }) {
const pagination = rootState.api.followRequestsPagination
return rootState.api.backendInteractor.getFollowRequests({ pagination })
.then((requests) => {
if (requests.data.length > 0) {
commit('addNewUsers', requests.data)
commit('saveFollowRequests', requests.data)
commit('saveFollowRequestPagination', requests.pagination)
return requests
// Lists
startFetchingLists (store) {
if (store.state.fetchers['lists']) return
const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetchingLists({ store })
store.commit('addFetcher', { fetcherName: 'lists', fetcher })
stopFetchingLists (store) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers.lists
if (!fetcher) return
store.commit('removeFetcher', { fetcherName: 'lists', fetcher })
// Lists
startFetchingAnnouncements (store) {
if (store.state.fetchers['announcements']) return
const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetchingAnnouncements({ store })
store.commit('addFetcher', { fetcherName: 'announcements', fetcher })
stopFetchingAnnouncements (store) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers.announcements
if (!fetcher) return
store.commit('removeFetcher', { fetcherName: 'announcements', fetcher })
// Reports
startFetchingReports (store) {
if (store.state.fetchers['reports']) return
const fetcher = store.state.backendInteractor.startFetchingReports({ store })
store.commit('addFetcher', { fetcherName: 'reports', fetcher })
stopFetchingReports (store) {
const fetcher = store.state.fetchers.reports
if (!fetcher) return
store.commit('removeFetcher', { fetcherName: 'reports', fetcher })
getSupportedTranslationlanguages (store) {
store.state.backendInteractor.getSupportedTranslationlanguages({ store })
.then((data) => {
store.dispatch('setInstanceOption', { name: 'supportedTranslationLanguages', value: data })
listSettingsProfiles (store) {
store.state.backendInteractor.listSettingsProfiles({ store })
.then((data) => {
store.commit('setInstanceOption', { name: 'settingsProfiles', value: data })
// Pleroma websocket
setWsToken (store, token) {
store.commit('setWsToken', token)
disconnectFromSocket ({ commit, state }) {
state.socket && state.socket.disconnect()
commit('setSocket', null)
export default api