forked from mirrors/amputoma-fe

Fetch the messages until the scrollbar becomes visible, so that the user always has the ability to scroll up and load new messages.
33 lines
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33 lines
1.2 KiB
// Captures a scroll position
export const getScrollPosition = (el) => {
return {
scrollTop: el.scrollTop,
scrollHeight: el.scrollHeight,
offsetHeight: el.offsetHeight
// A helper function that is used to keep the scroll position fixed as the new elements are added to the top
// Takes two scroll positions, before and after the update.
export const getNewTopPosition = (previousPosition, newPosition) => {
return previousPosition.scrollTop + (newPosition.scrollHeight - previousPosition.scrollHeight)
export const isBottomedOut = (el, offset = 0) => {
if (!el) { return }
const scrollHeight = el.scrollTop + offset
const totalHeight = el.scrollHeight - el.offsetHeight
return totalHeight <= scrollHeight
// Height of the scrollable container. The dynamic height is needed to ensure the mobile browser panel doesn't overlap or hide the posting form.
export const scrollableContainerHeight = (inner, header, footer) => {
return inner.offsetHeight - header.clientHeight - footer.clientHeight
// Returns whether or not the scrollbar is visible.
export const isScrollable = (el) => {
if (!el) return
return el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight