import StillImage from '../still-image/still-image.vue' import { hex2rgb } from '../../services/color_convert/color_convert.js' import generateProfileLink from 'src/services/user_profile_link_generator/user_profile_link_generator' export default { props: [ 'user', 'switcher', 'selected', 'hideBio', 'activatePanel' ], data () { return { followRequestInProgress: false, followRequestSent: false, hideUserStatsLocal: typeof this.$store.state.config.hideUserStats === 'undefined' ? this.$store.state.instance.hideUserStats : this.$store.state.config.hideUserStats, betterShadow: this.$store.state.interface.browserSupport.cssFilter } }, computed: { headingStyle () { const color = this.$store.state.config.customTheme.colors ? this.$ // v2 : this.$ // v1 if (color) { const rgb = (typeof color === 'string') ? hex2rgb(color) : color const tintColor = `rgba(${Math.floor(rgb.r)}, ${Math.floor(rgb.g)}, ${Math.floor(rgb.b)}, .5)` const gradient = [ [tintColor, this.hideBio ? '60%' : ''], this.hideBio ? [ color, '100%' ] : [ tintColor, '' ] ].map(_ => _.join(' ')).join(', ') return { backgroundColor: `rgb(${Math.floor(rgb.r * 0.53)}, ${Math.floor(rgb.g * 0.56)}, ${Math.floor(rgb.b * 0.59)})`, backgroundImage: [ `linear-gradient(to bottom, ${gradient})`, `url(${this.user.cover_photo})` ].join(', ') } } }, isOtherUser () { return !== this.$ }, subscribeUrl () { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const serverUrl = new URL(this.user.statusnet_profile_url) return `${serverUrl.protocol}//${}/main/ostatus` }, loggedIn () { return this.$store.state.users.currentUser }, dailyAvg () { const days = Math.ceil((new Date() - new Date(this.user.created_at)) / (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)) return Math.round(this.user.statuses_count / days) }, userHighlightType: { get () { const data = this.$store.state.config.highlight[this.user.screen_name] return data && data.type || 'disabled' }, set (type) { const data = this.$store.state.config.highlight[this.user.screen_name] if (type !== 'disabled') { this.$store.dispatch('setHighlight', { user: this.user.screen_name, color: data && data.color || '#FFFFFF', type }) } else { this.$store.dispatch('setHighlight', { user: this.user.screen_name, color: undefined }) } } }, userHighlightColor: { get () { const data = this.$store.state.config.highlight[this.user.screen_name] return data && data.color }, set (color) { this.$store.dispatch('setHighlight', { user: this.user.screen_name, color }) } } }, components: { StillImage }, methods: { followUser () { const store = this.$store this.followRequestInProgress = true store.state.api.backendInteractor.followUser( .then((followedUser) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [followedUser])) .then(() => { // For locked users we just mark it that we sent the follow request if (this.user.locked) { this.followRequestInProgress = false this.followRequestSent = true return } if (this.user.following) { // If we get result immediately, just stop. this.followRequestInProgress = false return } // But usually we don't get result immediately, so we ask server // for updated user profile to confirm if we are following them // Sometimes it takes several tries. Sometimes we end up not following // user anyway, probably because they locked themselves and we // don't know that yet. // Recursive Promise, it will call itself up to 3 times. const fetchUser = (attempt) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchUser({ id: }) .then((user) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [user])) .then(() => resolve([this.user.following, attempt])) .catch((e) => reject(e)) }, 500) }).then(([following, attempt]) => { if (!following && attempt <= 3) { // If we BE reports that we still not following that user - retry, // increment attempts by one return fetchUser(++attempt) } else { // If we run out of attempts, just return whatever status is. return following } }) return fetchUser(1) .then((following) => { if (following) { // We confirmed and everything its good. this.followRequestInProgress = false } else { // If after all the tries, just treat it as if user is locked this.followRequestInProgress = false this.followRequestSent = true } }) }) }, unfollowUser () { const store = this.$store this.followRequestInProgress = true store.state.api.backendInteractor.unfollowUser( .then((unfollowedUser) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [unfollowedUser])) .then(() => { this.followRequestInProgress = false }) }, blockUser () { const store = this.$store store.state.api.backendInteractor.blockUser( .then((blockedUser) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [blockedUser])) }, unblockUser () { const store = this.$store store.state.api.backendInteractor.unblockUser( .then((unblockedUser) => store.commit('addNewUsers', [unblockedUser])) }, toggleMute () { const store = this.$store store.commit('setMuted', {user: this.user, muted: !this.user.muted}) store.state.api.backendInteractor.setUserMute(this.user) }, setProfileView (v) { if (this.switcher) { const store = this.$store store.commit('setProfileView', { v }) } }, linkClicked ({target}) { if (target.tagName === 'SPAN') { target = target.parentNode } if (target.tagName === 'A') {, '_blank') } }, userProfileLink (user) { return generateProfileLink(, user.screen_name, this.$store.state.instance.restrictedNicknames) } } }