* origin/develop:
Update dependency v-click-outside to v2.1.5
Update dependency shelljs to v0.8.5
Update dependency portal-vue to v2.1.7
Update dependency lodash to v4.17.21
Update dependency karma-spec-reporter to v0.0.33
Update dependency karma-webpack to v4.0.2
Update dependency karma-sourcemap-loader to v0.3.8
Update dependency eslint-plugin-vue to v5.2.3
Update dependency chromedriver to v87.0.7
Update dependency @chenfengyuan/vue-qrcode to v1.0.2
Pin dependencies
Pin dependencies
Do not mute bot posts in notifications
Add renovate.json
Add bot indication to user icon on statuses
Mute bot posts
fix placeholder attachments opening new tab
* origin/develop:
undo accidental change when merging
Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)
Rearranged settings, moved more stuff to filtering where apllicable. Changed how filering works.
* origin/develop: (81 commits)
Improve the user card for deactivated users
Allow canceling a follow request
Simple policy reasons for instance specific policies
entity_normalizer: Escape name when parsing user
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese (ja_PEDANTIC))
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
* origin/develop: (169 commits)
Improve the user card for deactivated users
Allow canceling a follow request
Simple policy reasons for instance specific policies
entity_normalizer: Escape name when parsing user
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
Translated using Weblate (Korean)
Translated using Weblate (Japanese (ja_PEDANTIC))
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Translated using Weblate (Esperanto)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese)
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
When a follow request is sent, but not (yet) accepted, the behaviour is now to cancel the request instead of re sending.
The reason is double
* You couldn't cancel a follow request if you change your mind and the request wasn't answered yet
* Instances don't always correctly process a new follow request when the following is already happening. If something went wrong (e;g. the target server thinks you're following, but your instance thinks you're not yet), it's better to first sent an unfollow. This is the behaviour that Mastodon and most probably most other clients have. Therefore this flow is more tested and expected by other instances.
* origin/develop:
Use proper setting name
Use cleaner instance config check for shoutbox setting
Make locale language cleaner
Don't shorten shoutbox to SB
Fix lint error
New option: Hide shoutbox