/* * arch/sh/math-emu/math.c * * Copyright (C) 2006 Takashi YOSHII <takasi-y@ops.dti.ne.jp> * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public * License. See the file "COPYING" in the main directory of this archive * for more details. */ #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/errno.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/sched/signal.h> #include <linux/signal.h> #include <linux/perf_event.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #include <asm/processor.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include "sfp-util.h" #include <math-emu/soft-fp.h> #include <math-emu/single.h> #include <math-emu/double.h> #define FPUL (fregs->fpul) #define FPSCR (fregs->fpscr) #define FPSCR_RM (FPSCR&3) #define FPSCR_DN ((FPSCR>>18)&1) #define FPSCR_PR ((FPSCR>>19)&1) #define FPSCR_SZ ((FPSCR>>20)&1) #define FPSCR_FR ((FPSCR>>21)&1) #define FPSCR_MASK 0x003fffffUL #define BANK(n) (n^(FPSCR_FR?16:0)) #define FR ((unsigned long*)(fregs->fp_regs)) #define FR0 (FR[BANK(0)]) #define FRn (FR[BANK(n)]) #define FRm (FR[BANK(m)]) #define DR ((unsigned long long*)(fregs->fp_regs)) #define DRn (DR[BANK(n)/2]) #define DRm (DR[BANK(m)/2]) #define XREG(n) (n^16) #define XFn (FR[BANK(XREG(n))]) #define XFm (FR[BANK(XREG(m))]) #define XDn (DR[BANK(XREG(n))/2]) #define XDm (DR[BANK(XREG(m))/2]) #define R0 (regs->regs[0]) #define Rn (regs->regs[n]) #define Rm (regs->regs[m]) #define WRITE(d,a) ({if(put_user(d, (typeof (d)*)a)) return -EFAULT;}) #define READ(d,a) ({if(get_user(d, (typeof (d)*)a)) return -EFAULT;}) #define PACK_S(r,f) FP_PACK_SP(&r,f) #define UNPACK_S(f,r) FP_UNPACK_SP(f,&r) #define PACK_D(r,f) \ {u32 t[2]; FP_PACK_DP(t,f); ((u32*)&r)[0]=t[1]; ((u32*)&r)[1]=t[0];} #define UNPACK_D(f,r) \ {u32 t[2]; t[0]=((u32*)&r)[1]; t[1]=((u32*)&r)[0]; FP_UNPACK_DP(f,t);} // 2 args instructions. #define BOTH_PRmn(op,x) \ FP_DECL_EX; if(FPSCR_PR) op(D,x,DRm,DRn); else op(S,x,FRm,FRn); #define CMP_X(SZ,R,M,N) do{ \ FP_DECL_##SZ(Fm); FP_DECL_##SZ(Fn); \ UNPACK_##SZ(Fm, M); UNPACK_##SZ(Fn, N); \ FP_CMP_##SZ(R, Fn, Fm, 2); }while(0) #define EQ_X(SZ,R,M,N) do{ \ FP_DECL_##SZ(Fm); FP_DECL_##SZ(Fn); \ UNPACK_##SZ(Fm, M); UNPACK_##SZ(Fn, N); \ FP_CMP_EQ_##SZ(R, Fn, Fm); }while(0) #define CMP(OP) ({ int r; BOTH_PRmn(OP##_X,r); r; }) static int fcmp_gt(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (CMP(CMP) > 0) regs->sr |= 1; else regs->sr &= ~1; return 0; } static int fcmp_eq(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (CMP(CMP /*EQ*/) == 0) regs->sr |= 1; else regs->sr &= ~1; return 0; } #define ARITH_X(SZ,OP,M,N) do{ \ FP_DECL_##SZ(Fm); FP_DECL_##SZ(Fn); FP_DECL_##SZ(Fr); \ UNPACK_##SZ(Fm, M); UNPACK_##SZ(Fn, N); \ FP_##OP##_##SZ(Fr, Fn, Fm); \ PACK_##SZ(N, Fr); }while(0) static int fadd(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { BOTH_PRmn(ARITH_X, ADD); return 0; } static int fsub(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { BOTH_PRmn(ARITH_X, SUB); return 0; } static int fmul(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { BOTH_PRmn(ARITH_X, MUL); return 0; } static int fdiv(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { BOTH_PRmn(ARITH_X, DIV); return 0; } static int fmac(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { FP_DECL_EX; FP_DECL_S(Fr); FP_DECL_S(Ft); FP_DECL_S(F0); FP_DECL_S(Fm); FP_DECL_S(Fn); UNPACK_S(F0, FR0); UNPACK_S(Fm, FRm); UNPACK_S(Fn, FRn); FP_MUL_S(Ft, Fm, F0); FP_ADD_S(Fr, Fn, Ft); PACK_S(FRn, Fr); return 0; } // to process fmov's extension (odd n for DR access XD). #define FMOV_EXT(x) if(x&1) x+=16-1 static int fmov_idx_reg(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(n); READ(FRn, Rm + R0 + 4); n++; READ(FRn, Rm + R0); } else { READ(FRn, Rm + R0); } return 0; } static int fmov_mem_reg(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(n); READ(FRn, Rm + 4); n++; READ(FRn, Rm); } else { READ(FRn, Rm); } return 0; } static int fmov_inc_reg(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(n); READ(FRn, Rm + 4); n++; READ(FRn, Rm); Rm += 8; } else { READ(FRn, Rm); Rm += 4; } return 0; } static int fmov_reg_idx(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(m); WRITE(FRm, Rn + R0 + 4); m++; WRITE(FRm, Rn + R0); } else { WRITE(FRm, Rn + R0); } return 0; } static int fmov_reg_mem(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(m); WRITE(FRm, Rn + 4); m++; WRITE(FRm, Rn); } else { WRITE(FRm, Rn); } return 0; } static int fmov_reg_dec(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(m); Rn -= 8; WRITE(FRm, Rn + 4); m++; WRITE(FRm, Rn); } else { Rn -= 4; WRITE(FRm, Rn); } return 0; } static int fmov_reg_reg(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { if (FPSCR_SZ) { FMOV_EXT(m); FMOV_EXT(n); DRn = DRm; } else { FRn = FRm; } return 0; } static int fnop_mn(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int m, int n) { return -EINVAL; } // 1 arg instructions. #define NOTYETn(i) static int i(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) \ { printk( #i " not yet done.\n"); return 0; } NOTYETn(ftrv) NOTYETn(fsqrt) NOTYETn(fipr) NOTYETn(fsca) NOTYETn(fsrra) #define EMU_FLOAT_X(SZ,N) do { \ FP_DECL_##SZ(Fn); \ FP_FROM_INT_##SZ(Fn, FPUL, 32, int); \ PACK_##SZ(N, Fn); }while(0) static int ffloat(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FP_DECL_EX; if (FPSCR_PR) EMU_FLOAT_X(D, DRn); else EMU_FLOAT_X(S, FRn); return 0; } #define EMU_FTRC_X(SZ,N) do { \ FP_DECL_##SZ(Fn); \ UNPACK_##SZ(Fn, N); \ FP_TO_INT_##SZ(FPUL, Fn, 32, 1); }while(0) static int ftrc(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FP_DECL_EX; if (FPSCR_PR) EMU_FTRC_X(D, DRn); else EMU_FTRC_X(S, FRn); return 0; } static int fcnvsd(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FP_DECL_EX; FP_DECL_S(Fn); FP_DECL_D(Fr); UNPACK_S(Fn, FPUL); FP_CONV(D, S, 2, 1, Fr, Fn); PACK_D(DRn, Fr); return 0; } static int fcnvds(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FP_DECL_EX; FP_DECL_D(Fn); FP_DECL_S(Fr); UNPACK_D(Fn, DRn); FP_CONV(S, D, 1, 2, Fr, Fn); PACK_S(FPUL, Fr); return 0; } static int fxchg(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int flag) { FPSCR ^= flag; return 0; } static int fsts(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FRn = FPUL; return 0; } static int flds(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FPUL = FRn; return 0; } static int fneg(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FRn ^= (1 << (_FP_W_TYPE_SIZE - 1)); return 0; } static int fabs(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FRn &= ~(1 << (_FP_W_TYPE_SIZE - 1)); return 0; } static int fld0(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FRn = 0; return 0; } static int fld1(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { FRn = (_FP_EXPBIAS_S << (_FP_FRACBITS_S - 1)); return 0; } static int fnop_n(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int n) { return -EINVAL; } /// Instruction decoders. static int id_fxfd(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *, int); static int id_fnxd(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *, struct pt_regs *, int, int); static int (*fnxd[])(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *, int) = { fsts, flds, ffloat, ftrc, fneg, fabs, fsqrt, fsrra, fld0, fld1, fcnvsd, fcnvds, fnop_n, fnop_n, fipr, id_fxfd }; static int (*fnmx[])(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *, struct pt_regs *, int, int) = { fadd, fsub, fmul, fdiv, fcmp_eq, fcmp_gt, fmov_idx_reg, fmov_reg_idx, fmov_mem_reg, fmov_inc_reg, fmov_reg_mem, fmov_reg_dec, fmov_reg_reg, id_fnxd, fmac, fnop_mn}; static int id_fxfd(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, int x) { const int flag[] = { FPSCR_SZ, FPSCR_PR, FPSCR_FR, 0 }; switch (x & 3) { case 3: fxchg(fregs, flag[x >> 2]); break; case 1: ftrv(fregs, x - 1); break; default: fsca(fregs, x); } return 0; } static int id_fnxd(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, int x, int n) { return (fnxd[x])(fregs, n); } static int id_fnmx(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, u16 code) { int n = (code >> 8) & 0xf, m = (code >> 4) & 0xf, x = code & 0xf; return (fnmx[x])(fregs, regs, m, n); } static int id_sys(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs, u16 code) { int n = ((code >> 8) & 0xf); unsigned long *reg = (code & 0x0010) ? &FPUL : &FPSCR; switch (code & 0xf0ff) { case 0x005a: case 0x006a: Rn = *reg; break; case 0x405a: case 0x406a: *reg = Rn; break; case 0x4052: case 0x4062: Rn -= 4; WRITE(*reg, Rn); break; case 0x4056: case 0x4066: READ(*reg, Rn); Rn += 4; break; default: return -EINVAL; } return 0; } static int fpu_emulate(u16 code, struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fregs, struct pt_regs *regs) { if ((code & 0xf000) == 0xf000) return id_fnmx(fregs, regs, code); else return id_sys(fregs, regs, code); } /** * fpu_init - Initialize FPU registers * @fpu: Pointer to software emulated FPU registers. */ static void fpu_init(struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fpu) { int i; fpu->fpscr = FPSCR_INIT; fpu->fpul = 0; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { fpu->fp_regs[i] = 0; fpu->xfp_regs[i]= 0; } } /** * do_fpu_inst - Handle reserved instructions for FPU emulation * @inst: instruction code. * @regs: registers on stack. */ int do_fpu_inst(unsigned short inst, struct pt_regs *regs) { struct task_struct *tsk = current; struct sh_fpu_soft_struct *fpu = &(tsk->thread.xstate->softfpu); perf_sw_event(PERF_COUNT_SW_EMULATION_FAULTS, 1, regs, 0); if (!(task_thread_info(tsk)->status & TS_USEDFPU)) { /* initialize once. */ fpu_init(fpu); task_thread_info(tsk)->status |= TS_USEDFPU; } return fpu_emulate(inst, fpu, regs); }