/* * Samsung Exynos SoC series VPU driver * * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/version.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/time.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <media/videobuf2-dma-sg.h> #include <linux/dma-buf.h> #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(5,4,0) #include <linux/ion.h> #else #include <linux/ion_exynos.h> #endif #include "vision-config.h" #include "vision-buffer.h" #include <asm/cacheflush.h> #define DEBUG_SENTENCE_MAX 300 #define TERM_SIZE 50 #define VISION_QBUF 0xFA36 #define VISION_DQBUF 0x36FA /***************************************************************************** ***** wrapper function ***** *****************************************************************************/ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(5,4,0) static dma_addr_t vision_dma_buf_dva_map(struct vb_buffer *buffer, __attribute__((unused))u32 size) { return sg_dma_address(buffer->sgt->sgl); } static void vision_dma_buf_dva_unmap( __attribute__((unused))struct vb_buffer *buffer) { return; } /* static void *vision_dma_buf_va_map(struct vb_buffer *buffer) { return dma_buf_kmap(buffer->dma_buf, 0); } static void vision_dma_buf_va_unmap(struct vb_buffer *buffer) { dma_buf_kunmap(buffer->dma_buf, 0, buffer->vaddr); } */ static void vision_dma_buf_add_attr(struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment) { attachment->dma_map_attrs |= DMA_ATTR_SKIP_CPU_SYNC; } static void vision_dma_buf_sync(struct vb_buffer *buffers, __attribute__((unused))u32 size, u32 direction, u32 action) { if (action == VISION_QBUF) dma_buf_end_cpu_access(buffers->dma_buf, direction); else // action == VISION_DQBUF dma_buf_begin_cpu_access(buffers->dma_buf, direction); } #else static dma_addr_t vision_dma_buf_dva_map(struct vb_buffer *buffer, u32 size) { return ion_iovmm_map(buffer->attachment, 0, size, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL, 0); } static void vision_dma_buf_dva_unmap(struct vb_buffer *buffer) { ion_iovmm_unmap(buffer->attachment, buffer->daddr); } /* static void *vision_dma_buf_va_map(struct vb_buffer *buffer) { return dma_buf_vmap(buffer->dma_buf); } static void vision_dma_buf_va_unmap(struct vb_buffer *buffer) { dma_buf_vunmap(buffer->dma_buf, buffer->vaddr); } */ static void vision_dma_buf_add_attr(struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment) { return; } static void vision_dma_buf_sync(struct vb_buffer *buffers, u32 size, u32 direction, __attribute__((unused))u32 action) { __dma_map_area(buffers->vaddr, size, direction); } #endif struct vision_debug_log { size_t dsentence_pos; char *dsentence/*[DEBUG_SENTENCE_MAX]*/; }; void vision_dmsg_concate(struct vision_debug_log *log, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; char *term/*[50]*/; size_t copy_len; term = kmalloc(TERM_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); va_start(ap, fmt); vsnprintf(term, TERM_SIZE/*sizeof(term)*/, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (log->dsentence_pos >= DEBUG_SENTENCE_MAX) { vision_err("debug message(%zd) over max\n", log->dsentence_pos); kfree(term); return; } copy_len = min((DEBUG_SENTENCE_MAX-log->dsentence_pos-1), strlen(term)); strncpy(log->dsentence + log->dsentence_pos, term, copy_len); log->dsentence_pos += copy_len; log->dsentence[log->dsentence_pos] = 0; kfree(term); } char *vision_dmsg_print(struct vision_debug_log *log) { log->dsentence_pos = 0; return log->dsentence; } #define DLOG_INIT() \ struct vision_debug_log vision_debug_log; \ vision_debug_log.dsentence_pos = 0; \ vision_debug_log.dsentence = kmalloc(DEBUG_SENTENCE_MAX, GFP_KERNEL); #define DLOG(fmt, ...) \ vision_dmsg_concate(&vision_debug_log, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define DLOG_OUT() vision_dmsg_print(&vision_debug_log) #define DLOG_DEINIT() \ kfree(vision_debug_log.dsentence) struct vb_fmt vb_fmts[] = { { .name = "RGB", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_RGB, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 24 } }, { .name = "ARGB", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_RGBX, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 32 } }, { .name = "YUV 4:2:0 planar, Y/CbCr", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NV12, .planes = 2, .bitsperpixel = { 8, 8 } }, { .name = "YUV 4:2:0 planar, Y/CrCb", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NV21, .planes = 2, .bitsperpixel = { 8, 8 } }, { .name = "YUV 4:2:2 packed, YCbYCr", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_YUYV, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 16 } }, { .name = "YUV 4:4:4 packed, YCbCr", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_YUV4, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 24 } }, { .name = "VX unsigned 8 bit", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_U8, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 8 } }, { .name = "VX unsigned 16 bit", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_U16, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 16 } }, { .name = "VX unsigned 32 bit", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_U32, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 32 } }, { .name = "VX signed 16 bit", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_S16, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 16 } }, { .name = "VX signed 32 bit", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_S32, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 32 } }, { .name = "NPU FORMAT", .colorspace = VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU, .planes = 1, .bitsperpixel = { 8 } } }; void __vb_queue_print(struct vb_queue *q) { struct vb_bundle *bundle, *temp; DLOG_INIT(); DLOG("[VB] queued(%d) :", atomic_read(&q->queued_count)); list_for_each_entry_safe(bundle, temp, &q->queued_list, queued_entry) { DLOG("%d->", bundle->clist.index); } DLOG("X"); vision_info("%s\n", DLOG_OUT()); DLOG("[VB] process(%d) :", atomic_read(&q->process_count)); list_for_each_entry_safe( bundle, temp, &q->process_list, process_entry) { DLOG("%d->", bundle->clist.index); } DLOG("X"); vision_info("%s\n", DLOG_OUT()); DLOG("[VB] done(%d) :", atomic_read(&q->done_count)); list_for_each_entry_safe(bundle, temp, &q->done_list, done_entry) { DLOG("%d->", bundle->clist.index); } DLOG("X"); vision_info("%s\n", DLOG_OUT()); DLOG_DEINIT(); } void __vb_buffer_print(struct vs4l_container_list *c) { vision_info("[VB] c->direction : %d", c->direction); vision_info("[VB] c->id : %d", c->id); vision_info("[VB] c->index : %d", c->count); } static struct vb_fmt *__vb_find_format(u32 colorspace) { size_t i; struct vb_fmt *fmt = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(vb_fmts); ++i) { if (vb_fmts[i].colorspace == colorspace) { fmt = &vb_fmts[i]; break; } } return fmt; } static int __vb_plane_size(struct vb_format *format) { int ret = 0; u32 plane; struct vb_fmt *fmt; BUG_ON(!format); fmt = format->fmt; if (fmt->planes > VB_MAX_PLANES) { vision_err("planes(%d) is invalid\n", fmt->planes); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } for (plane = 0; plane < fmt->planes; ++plane) { if (fmt->colorspace == VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU) { format->size[plane] = (fmt->bitsperpixel[plane] / 8) * format->channels * format->width * format->height; } else { format->size[plane] = (fmt->bitsperpixel[plane] / 8) * format->width * format->height; } } p_err: return ret; } #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) static int __vb_unmap_dmabuf(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_buffer *buffer) { int ret = 0; if (buffer == NULL) { vision_err("vb_buffer(buffer) is NULL\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto p_err; } if (buffer->vaddr) dma_buf_vunmap(buffer->dma_buf, buffer->vaddr); if (buffer->daddr) vision_dma_buf_dva_unmap(buffer); if (buffer->sgt) dma_buf_unmap_attachment( buffer->attachment, buffer->sgt, DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL); if (buffer->attachment) dma_buf_detach(buffer->dma_buf, buffer->attachment); if (buffer->dma_buf) dma_buf_put(buffer->dma_buf); buffer->attachment = NULL; buffer->sgt = NULL; buffer->daddr = 0; buffer->vaddr = NULL; p_err: return ret; } #endif #if 0 // !(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS)) && !(defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS)) static int __vb_unmap_virtptr(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_buffer *buffer) { int ret = 0; if (buffer == NULL) { vision_err("vb_buffer(buffer) is NULL\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto p_err; } if (buffer->reserved) kfree((void *)buffer->m.userptr); buffer->dma_buf = NULL; buffer->attachment = NULL; buffer->sgt = NULL; buffer->daddr = 0; buffer->vaddr = NULL; buffer->reserved = 0; p_err: return ret; } #endif #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) static int __vb_map_dmabuf( struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_buffer *buffer, u32 size) { int ret = 0; bool complete_suc = false; struct dma_buf *dma_buf; struct dma_buf_attachment *attachment; struct sg_table *sgt; dma_addr_t daddr; void *vaddr; u32 direction; buffer->dma_buf = NULL; buffer->attachment = NULL; buffer->sgt = NULL; buffer->daddr = 0; buffer->vaddr = NULL; dma_buf = dma_buf_get(buffer->m.fd); if (IS_ERR_OR_NULL(dma_buf)) { vision_err("dma_buf_get is fail(%p)\n", dma_buf); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } buffer->dma_buf = dma_buf; if (buffer->dma_buf->size < size) { vision_err("Allocate buffer size(%zu) is smaller than expectation(%u)\n", buffer->dma_buf->size, size); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } attachment = dma_buf_attach(buffer->dma_buf, q->alloc_ctx); if (IS_ERR(attachment)) { ret = PTR_ERR(attachment); goto p_err; } buffer->attachment = attachment; vision_dma_buf_add_attr(attachment); if (q->direction == VS4L_DIRECTION_OT) direction = DMA_FROM_DEVICE; else direction = DMA_TO_DEVICE; sgt = dma_buf_map_attachment(attachment, direction); if (IS_ERR(sgt)) { ret = PTR_ERR(sgt); goto p_err; } buffer->sgt = sgt; daddr = vision_dma_buf_dva_map(buffer, size); if (IS_ERR_VALUE(daddr)) { vision_err("Failed to allocate iova (err 0x%pK)\n", &daddr); ret = -ENOMEM; goto p_err; } buffer->daddr = daddr; vaddr = dma_buf_vmap(buffer->dma_buf); if (IS_ERR(vaddr)) { vision_err("Failed to get vaddr (err 0x%pK)\n", &vaddr); ret = -EFAULT; goto p_err; } buffer->vaddr = vaddr; complete_suc = true; //vision_info("__vb_map_dmabuf, size(%d), daddr(0x%x), vaddr(0x%pK)\n", //size, daddr, vaddr); p_err: if (complete_suc != true) __vb_unmap_dmabuf(q, buffer); return ret; } #endif #if 0 //!(IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS)) && !(defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS)) static int __vb_map_virtptr( struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_buffer *buffer, u32 size) { int ret = 0; unsigned long tmp_buffer; void *mbuf = NULL; mbuf = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!mbuf) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto p_err; } tmp_buffer = (unsigned long)mbuf; ret = copy_from_user((void *)tmp_buffer, (void *)buffer->m.userptr, size); if (ret) { vision_err("copy_from_user() is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } /* back up - userptr */ buffer->reserved = buffer->m.userptr; buffer->m.userptr = (unsigned long)tmp_buffer; p_err: return ret; } #endif static int __vb_queue_alloc(struct vb_queue *q, struct vs4l_container_list *c) { int ret = 0; u32 i, j; size_t alloc_size; u8 *mapped_ptr; struct vb_format_list *flist; struct vb_bundle *bundle; struct vb_container_list *clist; struct vb_container *container; struct vb_buffer *buffer; DLOG_INIT(); BUG_ON(!q); BUG_ON(!c); BUG_ON(c->index >= VB_MAX_BUFFER); flist = &q->format; /* allocation */ if (c->count > VB_MAX_CONTAINERLIST) { vision_err("c->count(%d) cannot be greater to VB_MAX_CONTAINERLIST(%d)\n", c->count, VB_MAX_CONTAINERLIST); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } alloc_size = sizeof(struct vb_bundle); alloc_size += sizeof(struct vb_container) * c->count; for (i = 0; i < c->count; ++i) alloc_size += sizeof(struct vb_buffer) * c->containers[i].count; bundle = kzalloc(alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL); if (!bundle) { vision_err("bundle is NULL\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto p_err; } /* mapping */ mapped_ptr = (u8 *)bundle + sizeof(struct vb_bundle); bundle->clist.containers = (struct vb_container *)mapped_ptr; mapped_ptr += sizeof(struct vb_container) * c->count; for (i = 0; i < c->count; ++i) { bundle->clist.containers[i].buffers = (struct vb_buffer *)mapped_ptr; mapped_ptr += sizeof(struct vb_buffer) * c->containers[i].count; } /* fill */ bundle->state = VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED; clear_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE, &bundle->flags); clear_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_INVALID, &bundle->flags); clear_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_DONE, &bundle->flags); clist = &bundle->clist; clist->index = c->index; clist->id = c->id; clist->direction = c->direction; clist->count = c->count; clist->flags = c->flags; if (c->timestamp[5].tv_sec) clist->timestamp[5].tv_sec = c->timestamp[5].tv_sec; for (i = 0; i < clist->count; ++i) { container = &clist->containers[i]; container->count = c->containers[i].count; container->memory = c->containers[i].memory; container->reserved[0] = c->containers[i].reserved[0]; container->reserved[1] = c->containers[i].reserved[1]; container->reserved[2] = c->containers[i].reserved[2]; container->reserved[3] = c->containers[i].reserved[3]; container->target = c->containers[i].target; container->type = c->containers[i].type; for (j = 0; j < flist->count; ++j) { DLOG("c%d t%d == f%d t%d\n", i, container->target, j, flist->formats[j].target); if (container->target == flist->formats[j].target) { container->format = &flist->formats[j]; break; } } if (!container->format) { vision_err("format is not found\n"); vision_err("%s\n", DLOG_OUT()); kfree(bundle); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } for (j = 0; j < container->count; ++j) { buffer = &container->buffers[j]; buffer->roi = c->containers[i].buffers[j].roi; buffer->m.userptr = c->containers[i].buffers[j].m.userptr; buffer->dma_buf = NULL; buffer->attachment = NULL; buffer->sgt = NULL; buffer->vaddr = NULL; buffer->daddr = 0; } } q->bufs[c->index] = bundle; q->num_buffers++; p_err: DLOG_DEINIT(); return ret; } static int __vb_queue_free(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_bundle *bundle) { int ret = 0; BUG_ON(!bundle); BUG_ON(bundle->clist.index >= VB_MAX_BUFFER); if (q == NULL) { vision_err("vb_queue(q) is NULL\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto p_err; } q->bufs[bundle->clist.index] = NULL; kfree(bundle); q->num_buffers--; p_err: return ret; } static int __vb_queue_check(struct vb_bundle *bundle, struct vs4l_container_list *c) { int ret = 0; u32 i, j; struct vb_container_list *clist; struct vb_container *container; struct vb_buffer *buffer; BUG_ON(!bundle); BUG_ON(!c); clist = &bundle->clist; if (clist->index != c->index) { vision_err("index is conflict(%d != %d)\n", clist->index, c->index); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (clist->direction != c->direction) { vision_err("direction is conflict(%d != %d)\n", clist->direction, c->direction); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (clist->count != c->count) { vision_err("count is conflict(%d != %d)\n", clist->count, c->count); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } clist->flags = c->flags; clist->id = c->id; if (c->timestamp[5].tv_sec) clist->timestamp[5].tv_sec = c->timestamp[5].tv_sec; for (i = 0; i < clist->count; ++i) { container = &clist->containers[i]; if (container->target != c->containers[i].target) { vision_err("target is conflict(%d != %d)\n", container->target, c->containers[i].target); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (container->count != c->containers[i].count) { vision_err("count is conflict(%d != %d)\n", container->count, c->containers[i].count); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } for (j = 0; j < container->count; ++j) { buffer = &container->buffers[j]; buffer->roi = c->containers[i].buffers[j].roi; if (buffer->m.fd != c->containers[i].buffers[j].m.fd) { vision_err("buffer is conflict(%d != %d)\n", buffer->m.fd, c->containers[i].buffers[j].m.fd); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } } p_err: return ret; } static int __vb_buf_prepare(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_bundle *bundle) { int ret = 0; u32 i, j, k; struct vb_format *format; struct vb_container *container; struct vb_buffer *buffer; BUG_ON(!q); BUG_ON(!bundle); if (test_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE, &bundle->flags)) return ret; for (i = 0; i < bundle->clist.count; ++i) { container = &bundle->clist.containers[i]; format = container->format; switch (container->type) { case VS4L_BUFFER_LIST: k = container->count; break; case VS4L_BUFFER_ROI: k = container->count; break; case VS4L_BUFFER_PYRAMID: k = container->count; break; default: vision_err("unsupported container type\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } switch (container->memory) { #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) case VS4L_MEMORY_DMABUF: for (j = 0; j < k; ++j) { buffer = &container->buffers[j]; if (format->colorspace == VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU) { ret = __vb_map_dmabuf( q, buffer, format->size[0]); } else { ret = __vb_map_dmabuf( q, buffer, format->size[format->plane]); } if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_qbuf_dmabuf is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } vision_info("prepare dmabuf (%d) - clist : %d container : %d, fd : %d\n", __LINE__, i, j, buffer->m.fd); } break; #else case VS4L_MEMORY_VIRTPTR: for (j = 0; j < k; ++j) { buffer = &container->buffers[j]; if (format->colorspace == VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU) { ret = __vb_map_virtptr( q, buffer, format->size[0]); } else { ret = __vb_map_virtptr( q, buffer, format->size[format->plane]); } if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_map_virtptr is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } vision_info("prepare virtptr (%d) - clist : %d container : %d, fd : %d\n", __LINE__, i, j, buffer->m.fd); } break; #endif default: vision_err("unsupported container memory type\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } ret = call_op(q, buf_prepare, q, &bundle->clist); if (ret) { vision_err("call_op(buf_prepare) is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } set_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE, &bundle->flags); p_err: return ret; } static int __vb_buf_unprepare(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_bundle *bundle) { int ret = 0; u32 i, j, k; struct vb_format *format; struct vb_container *container; struct vb_buffer *buffer; BUG_ON(!q); BUG_ON(!bundle); if (!test_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE, &bundle->flags)) return ret; for (i = 0; i < bundle->clist.count; ++i) { container = &bundle->clist.containers[i]; format = container->format; switch (container->type) { case VS4L_BUFFER_LIST: k = container->count; break; case VS4L_BUFFER_ROI: k = container->count; break; case VS4L_BUFFER_PYRAMID: k = container->count; break; default: vision_err("unsupported container type\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } switch (container->memory) { #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) case VS4L_MEMORY_DMABUF: for (j = 0; j < k; ++j) { buffer = &container->buffers[j]; ret = __vb_unmap_dmabuf(q, buffer); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_qbuf_dmabuf is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } vision_info("unprepare dmabuf (%d) - clist : %d container : %d, fd : %d\n", __LINE__, i, j, buffer->m.fd); } break; #else case VS4L_MEMORY_VIRTPTR: for (j = 0; j < k; ++j) { buffer = &container->buffers[j]; ret = __vb_unmap_virtptr(q, buffer); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_unmap_virtptr is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } vision_info("unprepare virtptr (%d)- clist : %d container : %d, fd : %d\n", __LINE__, i, j, buffer->m.fd); } break; #endif default: vision_err("unsupported container memory type\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } ret = call_op(q, buf_unprepare, q, &bundle->clist); if (ret) { vision_err("call_op(buf_unprepare) is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } clear_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE, &bundle->flags); return ret; p_err: return ret; } static int __vb_wait_for_done_vb(struct vb_queue *q, int nonblocking) { int ret = 0; if (!q->streaming) { vision_err("Streaming off, will not wait for buffers\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (!list_empty(&q->done_list)) { return ret; } if (nonblocking) { vision_info("Nonblocking and no buffers to dequeue, will not wait\n"); ret = -EWOULDBLOCK; goto p_err; } mutex_unlock(q->lock); ret = wait_event_interruptible( q->done_wq, !list_empty(&q->done_list) || !q->streaming); mutex_lock(q->lock); p_err: return ret; } static int __vb_get_done_vb(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_bundle **bundle, struct vs4l_container_list *c, int nonblocking) { unsigned long flags; int ret = 0; /* * Wait for at least one buffer to become available on the done_list. */ ret = __vb_wait_for_done_vb(q, nonblocking); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_wait_for_done_vb is fail\n"); return ret; } /* * Driver's lock has been held since we last verified that done_list * is not empty, so no need for another list_empty(done_list) check. */ spin_lock_irqsave(&q->done_lock, flags); *bundle = list_first_entry(&q->done_list, struct vb_bundle, done_entry); list_del(&(*bundle)->done_entry); atomic_dec(&q->done_count); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->done_lock, flags); return ret; } static void __fill_vs4l_buffer(struct vb_bundle *bundle, struct vs4l_container_list *c) { struct vb_container_list *clist; clist = &bundle->clist; c->flags &= ~(1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_TIMESTAMP); c->flags &= ~(1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE); c->flags &= ~(1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_INVALID); c->flags &= ~(1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_DONE); if (test_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_TIMESTAMP, &clist->flags)) { c->flags |= (1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_TIMESTAMP); memcpy(c->timestamp, clist->timestamp, sizeof(clist->timestamp)); } if (test_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE, &bundle->flags)) c->flags |= (1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_PREPARE); if (test_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_INVALID, &bundle->flags)) c->flags |= (1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_INVALID); if (test_bit(VS4L_CL_FLAG_DONE, &bundle->flags)) c->flags |= (1 << VS4L_CL_FLAG_DONE); c->index = clist->index; c->id = clist->id; if(clist->timestamp[5].tv_sec == 1) { c->timestamp[5].tv_usec = clist->timestamp[5].tv_usec; // HW time c->timestamp[4].tv_usec = clist->timestamp[4].tv_usec; // FW total time } } static void __vb_dqbuf(struct vb_bundle *bundle) { if (bundle->state == VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) return; bundle->state = VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED; } int vb_queue_init(struct vb_queue *q, void *alloc_ctx, const struct vb2_mem_ops *mem_ops, const struct vb_ops *ops, struct mutex *lock, u32 direction) { int ret = 0; if (q == NULL) { vision_err("vb_queue(q) is NULL\n"); ret = -EFAULT; goto p_err; } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->queued_list); atomic_set(&q->queued_count, 0); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->process_list); atomic_set(&q->process_count, 0); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->done_list); atomic_set(&q->done_count, 0); spin_lock_init(&q->done_lock); init_waitqueue_head(&q->done_wq); q->num_buffers = 0; q->direction = direction; q->lock = lock; q->streaming = 0; q->alloc_ctx = alloc_ctx; q->mem_ops = mem_ops; q->ops = ops; clear_bit(VB_QUEUE_STATE_FORMAT, &q->state); q->format.count = 0; q->format.formats = NULL; p_err: return ret; } int vb_queue_s_format(struct vb_queue *q, struct vs4l_format_list *flist) { int ret = 0; u32 i; struct vs4l_format *f; struct vb_fmt *fmt; q->format.count = flist->count; q->format.formats = kcalloc(flist->count, sizeof(struct vb_format), GFP_KERNEL); if (!q->format.formats) { vision_err("q->format.formats is NULL\n"); ret = -ENOMEM; goto p_err; } if (q->format.count > VB_MAX_BUFFER) { vision_err("flist->count(%d) cannot be greater to VB_MAX_BUFFER(%d)\n", q->format.count, VB_MAX_BUFFER); ret = -EINVAL; kfree(q->format.formats); goto p_err; } for (i = 0; i < flist->count; ++i) { f = &flist->formats[i]; fmt = __vb_find_format(f->format); if (!fmt) { vision_err("__vb_find_format is fail\n"); kfree(q->format.formats); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (f->format == VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU) fmt->bitsperpixel[0] = f->pixel_format; q->format.formats[i].fmt = fmt; q->format.formats[i].colorspace = f->format; q->format.formats[i].target = f->target; q->format.formats[i].plane = f->plane; q->format.formats[i].width = f->width; q->format.formats[i].height = f->height; q->format.formats[i].stride = f->stride; q->format.formats[i].cstride = f->cstride; q->format.formats[i].channels = f->channels; q->format.formats[i].pixel_format = f->pixel_format; if (q->format.formats[i].plane >= VB_MAX_PLANES) { vision_err("f->plane(%d) cannot be greater or equal to VB_MAX_PLANES(%d)\n", q->format.formats[i].plane, VB_MAX_PLANES); kfree(q->format.formats); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } ret = __vb_plane_size(&q->format.formats[i]); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_plane_size is fail(%d)\n", ret); kfree(q->format.formats); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } set_bit(VB_QUEUE_STATE_FORMAT, &q->state); return ret; p_err: return ret; } int vb_queue_start(struct vb_queue *q) { int ret = 0; if (!test_bit(VB_QUEUE_STATE_FORMAT, &q->state)) { vision_err("format is not configured\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } q->streaming = 1; set_bit(VB_QUEUE_STATE_START, &q->state); p_err: return ret; } void __vb_queue_clear(struct vb_queue *q) { unsigned long flags; struct vb_bundle *pos_vb; struct vb_bundle *n_vb; BUG_ON(!q); list_for_each_entry_safe(pos_vb, n_vb, &q->queued_list, queued_entry) { if (pos_vb->state == VB_BUF_STATE_QUEUED) { list_del(&pos_vb->queued_entry); atomic_dec(&q->queued_count); } } spin_lock_irqsave(&q->done_lock, flags); list_for_each_entry_safe(pos_vb, n_vb, &q->done_list, done_entry) { if (pos_vb->state == VB_BUF_STATE_DONE) { list_del(&pos_vb->done_entry); atomic_dec(&q->done_count); pos_vb->state = VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED; list_del(&pos_vb->queued_entry); atomic_dec(&q->queued_count); } } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->done_lock, flags); } static int __vb_queue_stop(struct vb_queue *q, int is_forced) { int ret = 0; u32 i; struct vb_bundle *bundle; __vb_queue_clear(q); q->streaming = 0; wake_up_all(&q->done_wq); if (atomic_read(&q->queued_count) > 0) { vision_err("queued list is not empty\n"); if (!is_forced) { ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } if (atomic_read(&q->process_count) > 0) { vision_err("process list is not empty\n"); if (!is_forced) { ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } if (atomic_read(&q->done_count) > 0) { vision_err("done list is not empty\n"); if (!is_forced) { ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->queued_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->process_list); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->done_list); for (i = 0; i < VB_MAX_BUFFER; ++i) { bundle = q->bufs[i]; if (!bundle) continue; ret = __vb_buf_unprepare(q, bundle); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_buf_unprepare is fail(%d)\n", ret); if (!is_forced) { ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } ret = __vb_queue_free(q, bundle); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_queue_free is fail(%d)\n", ret); if (!is_forced) { ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } } kfree(q->format.formats); if (q->num_buffers != 0) { vision_err("memroy leakage is issued(%d)\n", q->num_buffers); BUG(); } clear_bit(VB_QUEUE_STATE_START, &q->state); p_err: if (!is_forced) return ret; else return 0; /* Always successful on forced stop */ } int vb_queue_stop(struct vb_queue *q) { return __vb_queue_stop(q, 0); } int vb_queue_stop_forced(struct vb_queue *q) { return __vb_queue_stop(q, 1); } int vb_queue_qbuf(struct vb_queue *q, struct vs4l_container_list *c) { int ret = 0; struct vb_bundle *bundle; struct vb_container *container; u32 direction; u32 i; #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) u32 j, k, size; #endif if (q->direction != c->direction) { vision_err("qbuf: invalid buffer direction\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (c->index >= VB_MAX_CONTAINERLIST) { vision_err("qbuf: invalid container list index\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } for (i = 0; i < c->count; i++) { if (c->containers[i].count > VB_MAX_BUFFER) { vision_err("qbuf: Max buffers are %d; passed %d buffers\n", VB_MAX_BUFFER, c->containers[i].count); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } if (c->index >= VB_MAX_BUFFER) { vision_err("qbuf: buffer index out of range\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } bundle = q->bufs[c->index]; if (bundle) { ret = __vb_queue_check(bundle, c); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_queue_check is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } } else { ret = __vb_queue_alloc(q, c); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_queue_alloc is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } bundle = q->bufs[c->index]; } if (bundle->state != VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) { vision_err("qbuf: buffer already in use\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } ret = __vb_buf_prepare(q, bundle); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_buf_prepare is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } if (q->direction == VS4L_DIRECTION_OT) direction = DMA_FROM_DEVICE; else direction = DMA_TO_DEVICE; /* sync buffers */ for (i = 0; i < bundle->clist.count; ++i) { container = &bundle->clist.containers[i]; BUG_ON(!container->format); #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) if (container->memory != VS4L_MEMORY_VIRTPTR) { k = container->count; if (container->format->colorspace == VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU) size = container->format->size[0]; else size = container->format->size[ container->format->plane]; for (j = 0; j < k; ++j) { vision_dma_buf_sync(&(container->buffers[j]), size, direction, VISION_QBUF); } } #endif } /* * Add to the queued buffers list, a buffer will stay on it until * dequeued in dqbuf. */ list_add_tail(&bundle->queued_entry, &q->queued_list); bundle->state = VB_BUF_STATE_QUEUED; atomic_inc(&q->queued_count); p_err: return ret; } int vb_queue_prepare(struct vb_queue *q, struct vs4l_container_list *c) { int ret = 0; struct vb_bundle *bundle; u32 i; if (q->direction != c->direction) { vision_err("qbuf: invalid buffer direction\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (c->index >= VB_MAX_CONTAINERLIST) { vision_err("qbuf: invalid container list index\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } for (i = 0; i < c->count; i++) { if (c->containers[i].count > VB_MAX_BUFFER) { vision_err("qbuf: Max buffers are %d; passed %d buffers\n", VB_MAX_BUFFER, c->containers[i].count); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } } if (c->index >= VB_MAX_BUFFER) { vision_err("qbuf: buffer index out of range\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } bundle = q->bufs[c->index]; if (bundle) { ret = __vb_queue_check(bundle, c); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_queue_check is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } } else { ret = __vb_queue_alloc(q, c); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_queue_alloc is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } bundle = q->bufs[c->index]; } if (bundle->state != VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) { vision_err("qbuf: buffer already in use\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } ret = __vb_buf_prepare(q, bundle); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_buf_prepare is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } p_err: return ret; } int vb_queue_unprepare(struct vb_queue *q, struct vs4l_container_list *c) { int ret = 0; struct vb_bundle *bundle; if (q->direction != c->direction) { vision_err("qbuf: invalid buffer direction\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } if (c->index >= VB_MAX_BUFFER) { vision_err("qbuf: buffer index out of range\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } bundle = q->bufs[c->index]; if (bundle) { ret = __vb_queue_check(bundle, c); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_queue_check is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } } else { vision_err("__vb_bundle doesn't exist(%d)\n", ret); ret = -ENOMEM; goto p_err; } #if 0 if (bundle->state != VB_BUF_STATE_DEQUEUED) { vision_err("qbuf: buffer already in use\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } #endif ret = __vb_buf_unprepare(q, bundle); if (ret) { vision_err("__vb_buf_prepare is fail(%d)\n", ret); goto p_err; } p_err: return ret; } int vb_queue_dqbuf(struct vb_queue *q, struct vs4l_container_list *c, bool nonblocking) { int ret = 0; struct vb_bundle *bundle = NULL; if (q->direction != c->direction) { vision_err("qbuf: invalid buffer direction\n"); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } ret = __vb_get_done_vb(q, &bundle, c, nonblocking); if (ret < 0 || bundle == NULL) { if (ret != -EWOULDBLOCK) vision_err("__vb_get_done_vb is fail(%d)\n", ret); return ret; } if (bundle->state != VB_BUF_STATE_DONE) { vision_err("dqbuf: Invalid buffer state(%X)\n", bundle->state); ret = -EINVAL; goto p_err; } /* Fill buffer information for the userspace */ __fill_vs4l_buffer(bundle, c); /* Remove from videobuf queue */ /* go back to dequeued state */ __vb_dqbuf(bundle); list_del(&bundle->queued_entry); atomic_dec(&q->queued_count); p_err: return ret; } void vb_queue_process(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_bundle *bundle) { unsigned long flag; BUG_ON(!q); BUG_ON(!bundle); BUG_ON(q->direction != bundle->clist.direction); /* Temporally add spinlock to avoid list corruption */ /* Should be improved */ spin_lock_irqsave(&q->done_lock, flag); bundle->state = VB_BUF_STATE_PROCESS; list_add_tail(&bundle->process_entry, &q->process_list); atomic_inc(&q->process_count); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->done_lock, flag); } void vb_queue_done(struct vb_queue *q, struct vb_bundle *bundle) { struct vb_container *container; unsigned long flag; u32 direction; u32 i; #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) u32 j, k, size; #endif BUG_ON(!q); BUG_ON(!bundle); BUG_ON(q->direction != bundle->clist.direction); if (q->direction == VS4L_DIRECTION_OT) direction = DMA_FROM_DEVICE; else direction = DMA_TO_DEVICE; /* sync buffers */ for (i = 0; i < bundle->clist.count; ++i) { container = &bundle->clist.containers[i]; BUG_ON(!container->format); #if 1 //IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) || defined(CONFIG_ION_EXYNOS) if (container->memory != VS4L_MEMORY_VIRTPTR) { k = container->count; if (container->format->colorspace == VS4L_DF_IMAGE_NPU) size = container->format->size[0]; else { size = container->format->size[ container->format->plane]; } for (j = 0; j < k; ++j) { /* only for output */ if (direction == DMA_FROM_DEVICE) vision_dma_buf_sync(&(container->buffers[j]), size, direction, VISION_DQBUF); } } #endif } spin_lock_irqsave(&q->done_lock, flag); list_del(&bundle->process_entry); atomic_dec(&q->process_count); bundle->state = VB_BUF_STATE_DONE; list_add_tail(&bundle->done_entry, &q->done_list); atomic_inc(&q->done_count); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&q->done_lock, flag); wake_up(&q->done_wq); }