 * Copyright (c) 2018 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
 *		http://www.samsung.com
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as publised
 * by the Free Software Foundation.
 * Header for BTS Bus Traffic Shaper
 * Includes Register information to control BTS devices

#define CON		0x000
#define TIMEOUT		0x010
#define RCON		0x020
#define RBLK_UPPER	0x024
#define RBLK_UPPER_FULL	0x02C
#define RBLK_UPPER_BUSY	0x030
#define RBLK_UPPER_MAX	0x034
#define WCON		0x040
#define WBLK_UPPER	0x044
#define WBLK_UPPER_FULL	0x04C
#define WBLK_UPPER_BUSY	0x050
#define WBLK_UPPER_MAX	0x054
#define CORE_QOS_EN	0x4
#define TIMEOUT_R0	0x008
#define TIMEOUT_R1	0x00C
#define TIMEOUT_W0	0x010
#define TIMEOUT_W1	0x014

#define AXQOS_BYPASS	8
#define AXQOS_VAL	12

#define SCIQOS_EN	0
#define SCIQOS_R	2
#define SCIQOS_W	0

#define AXQOS_ONOFF	0
#define BLOCK_UPPER	0
#define BLOCK_UPPER0	0
#define BLOCK_UPPER1	16
#define TIMEOUT_CNT_R	0
#define TIMEOUT_CNT_W	16
#define QURGENT_EN	20
#define BLOCKING_EN	0
#define TIMEOUT_CNT_VC0	0
#define TIMEOUT_CNT_VC1	8
#define TIMEOUT_CNT_VC2	16
#define TIMEOUT_CNT_VC3	24

#define RMO_PORT_0	0
#define RMO_PORT_1	16
#define WMO_PORT_0	8
#define WMO_PORT_1	24

#define SCI_CTRL	0x0000
#define CRP_CTL3_0	0x10
#define CRP_CTL3_1	0x38
#define CRP_CTL3_2	0x60
#define CRP_CTL3_3	0x88
#define TH_IMM_R_0	0x0100
#define TH_IMM_W_0	0x0180
#define TH_HIGH_R_0	0x0200
#define TH_HIGH_W_0	0x0280


#define DEFAULT_QBUSY_TH	0x4


#define DEFAULT_QMAX_RD_TH	0x60
#define DEFAULT_QMAX_WR_TH	0x30

#define QMAX_THRESHOLD_R	0x0050
#define QMAX_THRESHOLD_W	0x0054

#define VC_CFG_USER_MASK_LOW_0	0x4000
#define VC_CFG_USER_MASK_LOW_1	0x4020
#define VC_CFG_USER_MASK_LOW_2	0x4040
#define VC_CFG_USER_MASK_LOW_3	0x4060
#define VC_CFG_USER_VAL_0	0x4008
#define VC_CFG_USER_VAL_1	0x4028
#define VC_CFG_USER_VAL_2	0x4048
#define VC_CFG_USER_VAL_3	0x4068
#define VC_CFG_DOMAIN_0		0x4010
#define VC_CFG_DOMAIN_1		0x4030
#define VC_CFG_DOMAIN_2		0x4050
#define VC_CFG_DOMAIN_3		0x4070
#define VC_CFG_VC_VAL_0		0x4018
#define VC_CFG_VC_VAL_1		0x4038
#define VC_CFG_VC_VAL_2		0x4058
#define VC_CFG_VC_VAL_3		0x4078