/* * Copyright (C) 2020, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include "../utility/shub_utility.h" #include "../comm/shub_comm.h" #include "../sensor/light.h" #include "../sensorhub/shub_device.h" #include "../sensormanager/shub_sensor_type.h" #include "../utility/shub_file_manager.h" #include "shub_panel.h" #include <linux/string.h> #include <linux/notifier.h> #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SEC_PANEL_NOTIFIER_V2) && IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SHUB_PANEL_NOTIFY) #include <linux/sec_panel_notifier_v2.h> #include "../sensor/light.h" #include "../sensormanager/shub_sensor_type.h" #define PANEL_MAX (1) static struct panel_event_bl_data panel_event_data[PANEL_MAX]; static struct panel_event_dms_data panel_event_dms_data[PANEL_MAX]; static int panel_screen_mode[PANEL_MAX]; static u8 copr_state; static u8 ub_state; #endif #define LCD_PANEL_LCD_TYPE "/sys/class/lcd/panel/lcd_type" #define LCD_PANEL_SVC_OCTA "/sys/class/lcd/panel/SVC_OCTA" #define SVC_OCTA_DATA_SIZE 23 static char panel_ubid[SVC_OCTA_DATA_SIZE] = {0,}; int get_panel_lcd_type(void) { char lcd_type_data[256]; int ret; ret = shub_file_read(LCD_PANEL_LCD_TYPE, lcd_type_data, sizeof(lcd_type_data), 0); if (ret < 0) { shub_errf("file read error %d", ret); return ret; } else if (ret < 2){ shub_errf("unexpected type = %s(%d)", lcd_type_data, ret); return ret; } if (strstr(lcd_type_data, SDC_STR)) return SDC; else if (strstr(lcd_type_data, BOE_STR)) return BOE; else if (strstr(lcd_type_data, CSOT_STR)) return CSOT; else if (strstr(lcd_type_data, DTC_STR)) return DTC; else if (strstr(lcd_type_data, Tianma_STR)) return Tianma; else if (strstr(lcd_type_data, Skyworth_STR)) return Skyworth; return OTHER; } static int fm_ready_panel(struct notifier_block *this, unsigned long event, void *ptr) { shub_infof("notify event %d", (int)event); return NOTIFY_OK; } static struct notifier_block fm_notifier = { .notifier_call = fm_ready_panel, }; void init_shub_panel(void) { shub_infof(); register_file_manager_ready_callback(&fm_notifier); } void remove_shub_panel(void) { shub_infof(); } int get_panel_ubid(void) { int ret; ret = shub_file_read(LCD_PANEL_SVC_OCTA, panel_ubid, sizeof(panel_ubid), 0); if (ret < 0) { shub_errf("file read error %d", ret); return ret; } return ret; } int save_panel_ubid(void) { int ret = 0; get_panel_ubid(); ret = shub_file_write_no_wait(UB_ID_FILE_PATH, panel_ubid, sizeof(panel_ubid), 0); if (ret != sizeof(panel_ubid)) { shub_errf("failed"); return -EIO; } shub_infof("ubid(%s)", panel_ubid); return ret; } bool is_panel_ubid_changed(void) { int ret = 0; char efs_panel_ubid[SVC_OCTA_DATA_SIZE] = {0,}; ret = shub_file_read(UB_ID_FILE_PATH, efs_panel_ubid, sizeof(efs_panel_ubid), 0); if (ret != sizeof(panel_ubid)) { shub_infof("there is no efs_ub_id"); return false; } ret = get_panel_ubid(); if (ret != sizeof(panel_ubid)) { shub_errf("failed read get_ub_id"); return false; } if (strncmp(efs_panel_ubid, panel_ubid, SVC_OCTA_DATA_SIZE) != 0) { shub_errf("previous_ubid(%s)", efs_panel_ubid); shub_errf("current_ubid(%s)", panel_ubid); return true; } return false; } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SEC_PANEL_NOTIFIER_V2) && IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SHUB_PANEL_NOTIFY) int send_panel_information(int display_index, struct panel_event_bl_data *evdata) { int buf[5] = { display_index, evdata->level, evdata->aor, evdata->acl_status, evdata->gradual_acl_val }; int ret = 0; //TODO: send brightness + aor_ratio information to sensorhub ret = shub_send_command(CMD_SETVALUE, SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT, LIGHT_SUBCMD_PANEL_INFORMATION, (char *)&buf, sizeof(buf)); return ret; } u8 get_lcd_status(void) { struct shub_data_t *shub_data = get_shub_data(); u8 ret = 0; if (ub_state == PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_CONNECTED && shub_data->lcd_status == LCD_ON) ret = LCD_ON; else ret = LCD_OFF; return ret; } int send_ub_state(void) { int ret = 0; char enable = 0; if (ub_state == PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_CONNECTED) enable = 1; else if (ub_state == PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_DISCONNECTED) enable = 0; else return -EINVAL; ret = shub_send_command(CMD_SETVALUE, SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT, LIGHT_SUBCMD_UB_CONNECTED, &enable, sizeof(enable)); if (ub_state == PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_DISCONNECTED) ret = shub_send_status(get_lcd_status()); return ret; } int send_copr_state(void) { int ret = 0; char enable = 0; if (copr_state == PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_ENABLED) enable = 1; else if (copr_state == PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_DISABLED) enable = 0; else return -EINVAL; ret = shub_send_command(CMD_SETVALUE, TYPE_HUB, COPR_STATUS, &enable, sizeof(enable)); return ret; } int send_screen_mode_information(int display_index, int screen_mode) { int buf[2] = { display_index, screen_mode }; int ret = 0; ret = shub_send_command(CMD_SETVALUE, SENSOR_TYPE_LIGHT, LIGHT_SUBCMD_SCREEN_MODE_INFORMATION, (char *)&buf, sizeof(buf)); return ret; } static int panel_notifier_callback(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long event, void *data) { struct panel_notifier_event_data *evtdata = data; int index = evtdata->display_index; if (index >= PANEL_MAX) { shub_infof("invalid display_index=%d", index); return 0; } //shub_infof("event=%lu", event); if (event == PANEL_EVENT_BL_STATE_CHANGED) { struct shub_data_t *shub_data = get_shub_data(); u32 brightness_resolution = 1; if (strcmp(shub_data->model_name, "S921") == 0 || strcmp(shub_data->model_name, "S926") == 0) brightness_resolution = 10; evtdata->d.bl.level = evtdata->d.bl.level / brightness_resolution; if (panel_event_data[evtdata->display_index].level != evtdata->d.bl.level) { // store these values for reset memcpy(&panel_event_data[index], &evtdata->d.bl, sizeof(struct panel_event_bl_data)); shub_infof("PANEL_EVENT_BL_STATE_CHANGED, level(%d) aor(%d) acl_status(%d) acl_val(%d) resolution(%d)\n", evtdata->d.bl.level, evtdata->d.bl.aor, evtdata->d.bl.acl_status, evtdata->d.bl.gradual_acl_val, brightness_resolution); send_panel_information(index, &evtdata->d.bl); } } else if (event == PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_CHANGED) { if (evtdata->state != PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_CONNECTED && evtdata->state != PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_DISCONNECTED) { shub_infof("PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_CHANGED, event errno(%d)\n", evtdata->state); } else { ub_state = evtdata->state; shub_infof("PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_CHANGED, state(%d)\n", ub_state); send_ub_state(); } } else if (event == PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_CHANGED) { if (evtdata->state >= PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_OFF && evtdata->state <= PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_LPM) { struct shub_data_t *shub_data = get_shub_data(); if (evtdata->state == PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_OFF) shub_data->lcd_status = LCD_OFF; else if (evtdata->state == PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_ON) shub_data->lcd_status = LCD_ON; else if (evtdata->state == PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_LPM) shub_data->lcd_status = LCD_LPM; shub_infof("PANEL_EVENT_PANEL_STATE_CHANGED, event(%d) lcd_status(%d)\n", evtdata->state, shub_data->lcd_status); //shub_send_status(get_lcd_status()); } } else if (event == PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_CHANGED) { if (evtdata->state == PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_ENABLED || evtdata->state == PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_DISABLED) { struct shub_data_t *shub_data = get_shub_data(); copr_state = evtdata->state; shub_infof("PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_CHANGED, event(%d) lcd_status(%d)\n", evtdata->state, shub_data->lcd_status); send_copr_state(); } } else if (event == PANEL_EVENT_SCREEN_MODE_STATE_CHANGED) { memcpy(&panel_event_dms_data[index], &evtdata->d.dms, sizeof(struct panel_event_dms_data)); panel_screen_mode[index] = evtdata->d.screen_mode; shub_infof("panel screen mode %d %d", evtdata->display_index, evtdata->d.screen_mode); send_screen_mode_information(index, evtdata->d.screen_mode); } return 0; } struct notifier_block panel_notify = { .notifier_call = panel_notifier_callback, }; void init_shub_panel_callback(void) { int ret = 0; int i = 0; copr_state = PANEL_EVENT_COPR_STATE_ENABLED; ub_state = PANEL_EVENT_UB_CON_STATE_CONNECTED; for (i = 0; i < PANEL_MAX; i++) { panel_event_data[i].level = -1; } ret = panel_notifier_register(&panel_notify); if (ret < 0) shub_infof("panel_notifier_register failed(%d)", ret); shub_info(); } void remove_shub_panel_callback(void) { panel_notifier_unregister(&panel_notify); } void sync_panel_state(void) { int i = 0; send_ub_state(); send_copr_state(); for (i = 0; i < PANEL_MAX; i++) { if (panel_event_data[i].level != -1) send_panel_information(i, &panel_event_data[i]); send_screen_mode_information(i, panel_screen_mode[i]); } } #else void init_shub_panel_callback(void) {} void remove_shub_panel_callback(void) {} void sync_panel_state(void) {} #endif