/* * Exynos FMP selftest driver * * Copyright (C) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. */ #include <linux/crypto.h> #include <crypto/fmp.h> #include <crypto/sha256.h> #include <crypto/hmac-sha256.h> #include "fmp_fips_info.h" #include "fmp_test.h" #include "fmp_fips_cipher.h" #include "fmp_fips_selftest.h" static const char *ALG_SHA256_FMP = "sha256"; static const char *ALG_HMAC_SHA256_FMP = "hmac(sha256)"; static void hexdump(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len) { print_hex_dump(KERN_CONT, "", DUMP_PREFIX_OFFSET, 16, 1, buf, len, false); } static int alloc_buf(char *buf[XBUFSIZE]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < XBUFSIZE; i++) { buf[i] = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf[i]) goto err_free_buf; } return 0; err_free_buf: while (i-- > 0) free_page((unsigned long)buf[i]); return -ENOMEM; } static void free_buf(char *buf[XBUFSIZE]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < XBUFSIZE; i++) free_page((unsigned long)buf[i]); } struct fmp_test_result { struct completion completion; int err; }; static int selftest_sha256(struct exynos_fmp *fmp) { int i; int ret; unsigned char buf[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned char temp_digest[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; for (i = 0; i < SHA256_TEST_VECTORS; i++) { if (0 != fmp_sha256(sha256_tv_template[i].plaintext, sha256_tv_template[i].psize, buf)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(temp_digest, sha256_tv_template[i].digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); ret = memcmp(buf, temp_digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (ret) { print_hex_dump_bytes("FIPS SHA256 REQ: ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, sha256_tv_template[i].digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); print_hex_dump_bytes("FIPS SHA256 RES: ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, buf, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); return -EINVAL; } } return ret; } static int selftest_hmac_sha256(struct exynos_fmp *fmp) { int i; int ret; unsigned char buf[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; unsigned char temp_digest[SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH]; for (i = 0; i < HMAC_SHA256_TEST_VECTORS; i++) { if (0 != hmac_sha256(hmac_sha256_tv_template[i].key, hmac_sha256_tv_template[i].ksize, hmac_sha256_tv_template[i].plaintext, hmac_sha256_tv_template[i].psize, buf)) return -EINVAL; memcpy(temp_digest, hmac_sha256_tv_template[i].digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); ret = memcmp(buf, temp_digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); if (ret) { print_hex_dump_bytes("FIPS HMAC-SHA256 REQ: ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, hmac_sha256_tv_template[i].digest, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); print_hex_dump_bytes("FIPS HMAC-SHA256 RES: ", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, buf, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); return -EINVAL; } } return ret; } static int fmp_test_run(struct exynos_fmp *fmp, const struct cipher_testvec *template, const int idx, uint8_t *data, uint32_t len, const int mode, uint32_t write) { int ret = 0; char *temp_key; temp_key = kzalloc(template->klen, GFP_KERNEL); if (!temp_key) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to alloc key buffer\n", __func__); return -ENOMEM; } memcpy(temp_key, template->key, template->klen); ret = fmp_cipher_set_key(fmp->test_data, temp_key, template->klen); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to set key. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err; } #ifdef CONFIG_KEYS_IN_PRDT ret = fmp_cipher_set_iv(fmp->test_data, template->iv, 16); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to set iv. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err; } #else ret = fmp_cipher_set_DataUnitSeqNumber(fmp->test_data, template->DataUnitSeqNumber); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to set DataUnitSeqNumber. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err; } #endif /* CONFIG_KEYS_IN_PRDT */ ret = fmp_cipher_run(fmp, fmp->test_data, data, len, (mode == BYPASS_MODE) ? 1 : 0, write, NULL, &fmp->test_data->ci); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to run. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err; } err: kfree_sensitive(temp_key); return ret; } static int test_cipher(struct exynos_fmp *fmp, int mode, const struct cipher_testvec *template, uint32_t tcount) { int ret; uint32_t idx; char *inbuf[XBUFSIZE]; char *outbuf[XBUFSIZE]; void *indata, *outdata; if (alloc_buf(inbuf)) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to alloc input buf.\n", __func__); goto err_alloc_inbuf; } if (alloc_buf(outbuf)) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to alloc output buf.\n", __func__); goto err_alloc_outbuf; } for (idx = 0; idx < tcount; idx++) { if (template[idx].np) continue; if (WARN_ON(template[idx].ilen > PAGE_SIZE)) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Invalid input length. ilen (%d)\n", __func__, template[idx].ilen); goto err_ilen; } indata = inbuf[0]; outdata = outbuf[0]; memset(indata, 0, FMP_BLK_SIZE); memcpy(indata, template[idx].input, template[idx].ilen); ret = fmp_test_run(fmp, &template[idx], idx, indata, template[idx].ilen, mode, WRITE_MODE); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to run fmp encrypt write. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err_aes_run; } memset(outdata, 0, FMP_BLK_SIZE); ret = fmp_test_run(fmp, &template[idx], idx, outdata, template[idx].ilen, BYPASS_MODE, READ_MODE); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to run fmp bypass read. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err_aes_run; } if (memcmp(outdata, template[idx].result, template[idx].rlen)) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to compare encrypted result.\n", __func__); dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Plain Text\n", __func__); hexdump(indata, template[idx].rlen); dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Encrypted Text\n", __func__); hexdump(outdata, template[idx].rlen); goto err_cmp; } ret = fmp_test_run(fmp, &template[idx], idx, outdata, template[idx].ilen, BYPASS_MODE, WRITE_MODE); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to run fmp bypass write. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err_aes_run; } memset(indata, 0, FMP_BLK_SIZE); ret = fmp_test_run(fmp, &template[idx], idx, indata, template[idx].ilen, mode, READ_MODE); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to run fmp decrypt read. ret(%d)\n", __func__, ret); goto err_aes_run; } if (memcmp(indata, template[idx].input, template[idx].rlen)) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Fail to compare decrypted result.\n", __func__); dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Cipher Text\n", __func__); hexdump(outdata, template[idx].rlen); dev_err(fmp->dev, "%s: Decrypted Text\n", __func__); hexdump(indata, template[idx].rlen); goto err_cmp; } } free_buf(inbuf); free_buf(outbuf); return 0; err_ilen: err_aes_run: err_cmp: free_buf(outbuf); err_alloc_outbuf: free_buf(inbuf); err_alloc_inbuf: return -1; } int do_fmp_selftest(struct exynos_fmp *fmp) { int ret; struct cipher_test_suite xts_cipher; if (!fmp || !fmp->dev) { pr_err("%s: Invalid exynos fmp dev\n", __func__); return -EINVAL; } /* Self test for AES XTS mode */ fmp->test_data->ci.algo_mode = EXYNOS_FMP_ALGO_MODE_AES_XTS; xts_cipher.enc.vecs = aes_xts_enc_tv_template; xts_cipher.enc.count = AES_XTS_ENC_TEST_VECTORS; ret = test_cipher(fmp, XTS_MODE, xts_cipher.enc.vecs, xts_cipher.enc.count); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "FIPS: self-tests for FMP aes-xts failed\n"); fmp->result.aes_xts = 0; } else { if (xts_cipher.enc.count) dev_info(fmp->dev, "FIPS: self-tests for FMP aes-xts passed\n"); fmp->result.aes_xts = 1; } ret = selftest_sha256(fmp); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "FIPS: self-tests for FMP %s failed\n", ALG_SHA256_FMP); fmp->result.sha256 = 0; } else { dev_info(fmp->dev, "FIPS: self-tests for FMP %s passed\n", ALG_SHA256_FMP); fmp->result.sha256 = 1; } ret = selftest_hmac_sha256(fmp); if (ret) { dev_err(fmp->dev, "FIPS: self-tests for FMP %s failed\n", ALG_HMAC_SHA256_FMP); fmp->result.hmac = 0; } else { dev_info(fmp->dev, "FIPS: self-tests for FMP %s passed\n", ALG_HMAC_SHA256_FMP); fmp->result.hmac = 1; } if (fmp->result.aes_xts && fmp->result.sha256 && fmp->result.hmac) return 0; return -1; }