// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 // Copyright (C) 2020 ARM Limited #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../kselftest_harness.h" #include "helper.h" #define PAC_COLLISION_ATTEMPTS 10 /* * The kernel sets TBID by default. So bits 55 and above should remain * untouched no matter what. * The VA space size is 48 bits. Bigger is opt-in. */ #define PAC_MASK (~0xff80ffffffffffff) #define ARBITRARY_VALUE (0x1234) #define ASSERT_PAUTH_ENABLED() \ do { \ unsigned long hwcaps = getauxval(AT_HWCAP); \ /* data key instructions are not in NOP space. This prevents a SIGILL */ \ if (!(hwcaps & HWCAP_PACA)) \ SKIP(return, "PAUTH not enabled"); \ } while (0) #define ASSERT_GENERIC_PAUTH_ENABLED() \ do { \ unsigned long hwcaps = getauxval(AT_HWCAP); \ /* generic key instructions are not in NOP space. This prevents a SIGILL */ \ if (!(hwcaps & HWCAP_PACG)) \ SKIP(return, "Generic PAUTH not enabled"); \ } while (0) void sign_specific(struct signatures *sign, size_t val) { sign->keyia = keyia_sign(val); sign->keyib = keyib_sign(val); sign->keyda = keyda_sign(val); sign->keydb = keydb_sign(val); } void sign_all(struct signatures *sign, size_t val) { sign->keyia = keyia_sign(val); sign->keyib = keyib_sign(val); sign->keyda = keyda_sign(val); sign->keydb = keydb_sign(val); sign->keyg = keyg_sign(val); } int n_same(struct signatures *old, struct signatures *new, int nkeys) { int res = 0; res += old->keyia == new->keyia; res += old->keyib == new->keyib; res += old->keyda == new->keyda; res += old->keydb == new->keydb; if (nkeys == NKEYS) res += old->keyg == new->keyg; return res; } int n_same_single_set(struct signatures *sign, int nkeys) { size_t vals[nkeys]; int same = 0; vals[0] = sign->keyia & PAC_MASK; vals[1] = sign->keyib & PAC_MASK; vals[2] = sign->keyda & PAC_MASK; vals[3] = sign->keydb & PAC_MASK; if (nkeys >= 4) vals[4] = sign->keyg & PAC_MASK; for (int i = 0; i < nkeys - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < nkeys; j++) { if (vals[i] == vals[j]) same += 1; } } return same; } int exec_sign_all(struct signatures *signed_vals, size_t val) { int new_stdin[2]; int new_stdout[2]; int status; int i; ssize_t ret; pid_t pid; cpu_set_t mask; ret = pipe(new_stdin); if (ret == -1) { perror("pipe returned error"); return -1; } ret = pipe(new_stdout); if (ret == -1) { perror("pipe returned error"); return -1; } /* * pin this process and all its children to a single CPU, so it can also * guarantee a context switch with its child */ sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(cpu_set_t); i++) if (CPU_ISSET(i, &mask)) break; CPU_ZERO(&mask); CPU_SET(i, &mask); sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask); pid = fork(); // child if (pid == 0) { dup2(new_stdin[0], STDIN_FILENO); if (ret == -1) { perror("dup2 returned error"); exit(1); } dup2(new_stdout[1], STDOUT_FILENO); if (ret == -1) { perror("dup2 returned error"); exit(1); } close(new_stdin[0]); close(new_stdin[1]); close(new_stdout[0]); close(new_stdout[1]); ret = execl("exec_target", "exec_target", (char *)NULL); if (ret == -1) { perror("exec returned error"); exit(1); } } close(new_stdin[0]); close(new_stdout[1]); ret = write(new_stdin[1], &val, sizeof(size_t)); if (ret == -1) { perror("write returned error"); return -1; } /* * wait for the worker to finish, so that read() reads all data * will also context switch with worker so that this function can be used * for context switch tests */ waitpid(pid, &status, 0); if (WIFEXITED(status) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "worker exited unexpectedly\n"); return -1; } if (WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "worker exited with error\n"); return -1; } ret = read(new_stdout[0], signed_vals, sizeof(struct signatures)); if (ret == -1) { perror("read returned error"); return -1; } close(new_stdin[1]); close(new_stdout[0]); return 0; } sigjmp_buf jmpbuf; void pac_signal_handler(int signum, siginfo_t *si, void *uc) { if (signum == SIGSEGV || signum == SIGILL) siglongjmp(jmpbuf, 1); } /* check that a corrupted PAC results in SIGSEGV or SIGILL */ TEST(corrupt_pac) { struct sigaction sa; ASSERT_PAUTH_ENABLED(); if (sigsetjmp(jmpbuf, 1) == 0) { sa.sa_sigaction = pac_signal_handler; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESETHAND; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &sa, NULL); pac_corruptor(); ASSERT_TRUE(0) TH_LOG("SIGSEGV/SIGILL signal did not occur"); } } /* * There are no separate pac* and aut* controls so checking only the pac* * instructions is sufficient */ TEST(pac_instructions_not_nop) { size_t keyia = 0; size_t keyib = 0; size_t keyda = 0; size_t keydb = 0; ASSERT_PAUTH_ENABLED(); for (int i = 0; i < PAC_COLLISION_ATTEMPTS; i++) { keyia |= keyia_sign(i) & PAC_MASK; keyib |= keyib_sign(i) & PAC_MASK; keyda |= keyda_sign(i) & PAC_MASK; keydb |= keydb_sign(i) & PAC_MASK; } ASSERT_NE(0, keyia) TH_LOG("keyia instructions did nothing"); ASSERT_NE(0, keyib) TH_LOG("keyib instructions did nothing"); ASSERT_NE(0, keyda) TH_LOG("keyda instructions did nothing"); ASSERT_NE(0, keydb) TH_LOG("keydb instructions did nothing"); } TEST(pac_instructions_not_nop_generic) { size_t keyg = 0; ASSERT_GENERIC_PAUTH_ENABLED(); for (int i = 0; i < PAC_COLLISION_ATTEMPTS; i++) keyg |= keyg_sign(i) & PAC_MASK; ASSERT_NE(0, keyg) TH_LOG("keyg instructions did nothing"); } TEST(single_thread_different_keys) { int same = 10; int nkeys = NKEYS; int tmp; struct signatures signed_vals; unsigned long hwcaps = getauxval(AT_HWCAP); /* generic and data key instructions are not in NOP space. This prevents a SIGILL */ ASSERT_PAUTH_ENABLED(); if (!(hwcaps & HWCAP_PACG)) { TH_LOG("WARNING: Generic PAUTH not enabled. Skipping generic key checks"); nkeys = NKEYS - 1; } /* * In Linux the PAC field can be up to 7 bits wide. Even if keys are * different, there is about 5% chance for PACs to collide with * different addresses. This chance rapidly increases with fewer bits * allocated for the PAC (e.g. wider address). A comparison of the keys * directly will be more reliable. * All signed values need to be different at least once out of n * attempts to be certain that the keys are different */ for (int i = 0; i < PAC_COLLISION_ATTEMPTS; i++) { if (nkeys == NKEYS) sign_all(&signed_vals, i); else sign_specific(&signed_vals, i); tmp = n_same_single_set(&signed_vals, nkeys); if (tmp < same) same = tmp; } ASSERT_EQ(0, same) TH_LOG("%d keys clashed every time", same); } /* * fork() does not change keys. Only exec() does so call a worker program. * Its only job is to sign a value and report back the resutls */ TEST(exec_changed_keys) { struct signatures new_keys; struct signatures old_keys; int ret; int same = 10; int nkeys = NKEYS; unsigned long hwcaps = getauxval(AT_HWCAP); /* generic and data key instructions are not in NOP space. This prevents a SIGILL */ ASSERT_PAUTH_ENABLED(); if (!(hwcaps & HWCAP_PACG)) { TH_LOG("WARNING: Generic PAUTH not enabled. Skipping generic key checks"); nkeys = NKEYS - 1; } for (int i = 0; i < PAC_COLLISION_ATTEMPTS; i++) { ret = exec_sign_all(&new_keys, i); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret) TH_LOG("failed to run worker"); if (nkeys == NKEYS) sign_all(&old_keys, i); else sign_specific(&old_keys, i); ret = n_same(&old_keys, &new_keys, nkeys); if (ret < same) same = ret; } ASSERT_EQ(0, same) TH_LOG("exec() did not change %d keys", same); } TEST(context_switch_keep_keys) { int ret; struct signatures trash; struct signatures before; struct signatures after; ASSERT_PAUTH_ENABLED(); sign_specific(&before, ARBITRARY_VALUE); /* will context switch with a process with different keys at least once */ ret = exec_sign_all(&trash, ARBITRARY_VALUE); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret) TH_LOG("failed to run worker"); sign_specific(&after, ARBITRARY_VALUE); ASSERT_EQ(before.keyia, after.keyia) TH_LOG("keyia changed after context switching"); ASSERT_EQ(before.keyib, after.keyib) TH_LOG("keyib changed after context switching"); ASSERT_EQ(before.keyda, after.keyda) TH_LOG("keyda changed after context switching"); ASSERT_EQ(before.keydb, after.keydb) TH_LOG("keydb changed after context switching"); } TEST(context_switch_keep_keys_generic) { int ret; struct signatures trash; size_t before; size_t after; ASSERT_GENERIC_PAUTH_ENABLED(); before = keyg_sign(ARBITRARY_VALUE); /* will context switch with a process with different keys at least once */ ret = exec_sign_all(&trash, ARBITRARY_VALUE); ASSERT_EQ(0, ret) TH_LOG("failed to run worker"); after = keyg_sign(ARBITRARY_VALUE); ASSERT_EQ(before, after) TH_LOG("keyg changed after context switching"); } TEST_HARNESS_MAIN