/* * sb_tx.c * Samsung Mobile Wireless TX Driver * * Copyright (C) 2021 Samsung Electronics * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/mutex.h> #include <linux/battery/sb_sysfs.h> #include <linux/battery/sb_notify.h> #include "sec_battery.h" #include "sec_charging_common.h" #include "sb_tx.h" #define tx_log(str, ...) pr_info("[SB-TX]:%s: "str, __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define AOV_VOUT_STEP 500 #define AOV_VOUT_MAX 7500 enum sb_tx_aov_state { AOV_STATE_NONE = 0, AOV_STATE_PRESET, AOV_STATE_MONITOR, AOV_STATE_PHM, AOV_STATE_ERR, }; enum sb_tx_chg_state { AOV_WITH_NONE = 0, AOV_WITH_NOCHG, AOV_WITH_CHG, }; static const char *get_aov_state_str(int state) { switch (state) { case AOV_STATE_NONE: return "None"; case AOV_STATE_PRESET: return "Preset"; case AOV_STATE_MONITOR: return "Monitor"; case AOV_STATE_PHM: return "PHM"; case AOV_STATE_ERR: return "Error"; } return "Unknown"; } struct sb_tx_aov { bool enable; int state; int tx_chg_state; /* dt data */ unsigned int start_vout; unsigned int low_freq; unsigned int high_freq; unsigned int delay; unsigned int preset_delay; unsigned int phm_icl; unsigned int phm_icl_full; unsigned int vout_min; }; struct sb_tx { /* temporary attributes */ struct sec_battery_info *battery; struct notifier_block nb; struct wakeup_source *ws; struct workqueue_struct *wq; struct delayed_work tx_err_work; bool enable; unsigned int event; struct mutex event_lock; /* option */ struct sb_tx_aov aov; char *wrl_name; char *fg_name; }; struct sb_tx *gtx; static DEFINE_MUTEX(tx_lock); static struct sb_tx *get_sb_tx(void) { struct sb_tx *tx = NULL; mutex_lock(&tx_lock); tx = gtx; mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return tx; } static bool check_full_state(struct sb_tx *tx) { union power_supply_propval value = {0, }; value.intval = SEC_FUELGAUGE_CAPACITY_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SCALE; psy_do_property(tx->fg_name, get, POWER_SUPPLY_PROP_CAPACITY, value); return (value.intval >= 970); } int sb_tx_init_aov(void) { struct sb_tx *tx = get_sb_tx(); struct sb_tx_aov *aov; if (!tx) return -ENODEV; aov = &tx->aov; mutex_lock(&tx_lock); aov->state = AOV_STATE_NONE; aov->tx_chg_state = AOV_WITH_NONE; sec_vote(tx->battery->input_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, false, 0); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return 0; } bool sb_tx_is_aov_enabled(int cable_type) { struct sb_tx *tx = get_sb_tx(); struct sb_tx_aov *aov = &tx->aov; if (!tx) return false; if (!tx->aov.enable) return false; if (tx->aov.state == AOV_STATE_ERR) return false; if (is_pd_apdo_wire_type(cable_type)) { if (tx->aov.state == AOV_STATE_NONE) { unsigned int min_iv = aov->vout_min, max_iv = AOV_VOUT_MAX; if (sec_pd_get_pdo_power(NULL, &min_iv, &max_iv, NULL) <= 0) return false; } aov->tx_chg_state = AOV_WITH_CHG; } else if (!is_nocharge_type(cable_type)) { if (tx->aov.state != AOV_STATE_NONE) sb_tx_init_aov(); return false; } else { aov->tx_chg_state = AOV_WITH_NOCHG; } return true; } int sb_tx_monitor_aov(int vout, bool phm) { struct sb_tx *tx = get_sb_tx(); struct sec_battery_info *battery; struct sb_tx_aov *aov; int prev_aov_state; static int prev_tx_chg_state; if (!tx) return -ENODEV; aov = &tx->aov; battery = tx->battery; mutex_lock(&tx_lock); prev_aov_state = aov->state; switch (aov->state) { case AOV_STATE_NONE: prev_tx_chg_state = AOV_WITH_NONE; aov->state = AOV_STATE_PRESET; fallthrough; case AOV_STATE_PRESET: if (vout < aov->start_vout) { if (prev_aov_state == AOV_STATE_NONE) { sec_bat_run_wpc_tx_work(battery, (aov->preset_delay + 1000)); } else { vout = vout + AOV_VOUT_STEP; sec_vote(battery->iv_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, vout); sec_bat_wireless_vout_cntl(tx->battery, vout); sec_bat_run_wpc_tx_work(battery, ((vout == aov->start_vout) ? (aov->preset_delay * 2) : 500)); } break; } aov->state = AOV_STATE_MONITOR; fallthrough; case AOV_STATE_MONITOR: if (phm) { int phm_icl = (check_full_state(tx)) ? aov->phm_icl_full : aov->phm_icl; sec_vote(battery->iv_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, SEC_INPUT_VOLTAGE_5V); sec_vote(battery->input_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, phm_icl); sec_bat_wireless_vout_cntl(battery, WC_TX_VOUT_5000MV); sec_bat_wireless_iout_cntl(battery, battery->pdata->tx_uno_iout, 1000); aov->state = AOV_STATE_PHM; } else { union power_supply_propval freq = {0, }; int prev_vout = vout; psy_do_property(tx->wrl_name, get, POWER_SUPPLY_EXT_PROP_WIRELESS_OP_FREQ, freq); if ((freq.intval <= aov->low_freq) && (vout < AOV_VOUT_MAX)) vout = vout + AOV_VOUT_STEP; else if ((freq.intval >= aov->high_freq) && (vout > aov->vout_min)) vout = vout - AOV_VOUT_STEP; if ((prev_vout != vout) || ((prev_tx_chg_state == AOV_WITH_NOCHG) && (aov->tx_chg_state == AOV_WITH_CHG))) { sec_vote(battery->iv_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, vout); sec_bat_wireless_vout_cntl(battery, vout); sec_bat_run_wpc_tx_work(battery, aov->delay); } else { sec_vote_refresh(battery->iv_vote); } } break; case AOV_STATE_PHM: if (!phm) { vout = aov->start_vout + AOV_VOUT_STEP; sec_vote(battery->iv_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, vout); if (battery->pdata->icl_by_tx_gear) sec_vote(battery->input_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, battery->pdata->icl_by_tx_gear); else sec_vote(battery->input_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, false, 0); sec_bat_wireless_vout_cntl(battery, vout); sec_bat_run_wpc_tx_work(battery, aov->delay); aov->state = AOV_STATE_MONITOR; } else { int phm_icl = (check_full_state(tx)) ? aov->phm_icl_full : aov->phm_icl; sec_vote(battery->input_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, true, phm_icl); } break; default: break; } prev_tx_chg_state = aov->tx_chg_state; sec_vote(battery->chgen_vote, VOTER_WC_TX, false, 0); tx_log("aov state = %s, tx_chg_state = %d, vout = %d\n", get_aov_state_str(aov->state), aov->tx_chg_state, vout); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return aov->state; } static bool check_tx_err_state(struct sb_tx *tx) { union power_supply_propval value = { 0, }; int vout, iout, freq; psy_do_property(tx->wrl_name, get, POWER_SUPPLY_EXT_PROP_WIRELESS_TX_UNO_VIN, value); vout = value.intval; psy_do_property(tx->wrl_name, get, POWER_SUPPLY_EXT_PROP_WIRELESS_TX_UNO_IIN, value); iout = value.intval; psy_do_property(tx->wrl_name, get, POWER_SUPPLY_EXT_PROP_WIRELESS_OP_FREQ, value); freq = value.intval; return (vout <= 0) && (iout <= 0) && (freq <= 0); } static void cb_tx_err_work(struct work_struct *work) { struct sb_tx *tx = container_of(work, struct sb_tx, tx_err_work.work); tx_log("start!\n"); if (check_tx_err_state(tx)) { union power_supply_propval value = { 0, }; tx_log("set tx retry!!!\n"); value.intval = BATT_TX_EVENT_WIRELESS_TX_ETC; psy_do_property("wireless", set, POWER_SUPPLY_EXT_PROP_WIRELESS_TX_ERR, value); } __pm_relax(tx->ws); } static ssize_t show_attrs(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf); static ssize_t store_attrs(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count); #define TX_SYSFS_ATTR(_name) \ { \ .attr = {.name = #_name, .mode = 0664}, \ .show = show_attrs, \ .store = store_attrs, \ } static struct device_attribute tx_attr[] = { TX_SYSFS_ATTR(tx_test), }; enum tx_attrs { TX_TEST = 0, }; static ssize_t show_attrs(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf) { return 0; } static ssize_t store_attrs(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count) { return count; } static int sb_noti_handler(struct notifier_block *nb, unsigned long action, void *data) { return 0; } #ifdef CONFIG_OF static int sb_tx_parse_aov_dt(struct device_node *np, struct sb_tx_aov *aov) { if (of_property_read_bool(np, "disable")) return -1; sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, start_vout, WC_TX_VOUT_5500MV); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, phm_icl, 800); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, phm_icl_full, 100); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, low_freq, 131); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, high_freq, 147); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, delay, 3000); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, preset_delay, 3000); sb_of_parse_u32(np, aov, vout_min, 5000); return 0; } static int sb_tx_parse_dt(struct sb_tx *tx) { struct device_node *np, *child; int ret = 0; np = of_find_node_by_name(NULL, TX_MODULE_NAME); if (!np) return -ENODEV; for_each_child_of_node(np, child) { if (!strcmp(child->name, "aov")) { ret = sb_tx_parse_aov_dt(child, &tx->aov); tx->aov.enable = !(ret); tx_log("AOV = %s\n", tx->aov.enable ? "Enable" : "Disable"); } } np = of_find_node_by_name(NULL, "battery"); if (np) { ret = of_property_read_string(np, "battery,fuelgauge_name", (const char **)&tx->fg_name); if (ret) tx_log("failed to get fg name in battery dt (ret = %d)\n", ret); } return ret; } #else static int sb_tx_parse_dt(struct sb_tx *tx) { return 0; } #endif int sb_tx_init(struct sec_battery_info *battery, char *wrl_name) { struct sb_tx *tx; int ret = 0; if ((battery == NULL) || (wrl_name == NULL)) return -EINVAL; /* temporary code */ if (get_sb_tx() != NULL) return 0; mutex_lock(&tx_lock); tx = kzalloc(sizeof(struct sb_tx), GFP_KERNEL); if (!tx) { mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return -ENOMEM; } ret = sb_tx_parse_dt(tx); if (ret) goto err_parse_dt; tx->wq = create_singlethread_workqueue(TX_MODULE_NAME); if (!tx->wq) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_parse_dt; } tx->ws = wakeup_source_register(battery->dev, TX_MODULE_NAME); INIT_DELAYED_WORK(&tx->tx_err_work, cb_tx_err_work); mutex_init(&tx->event_lock); tx->battery = battery; tx->wrl_name = wrl_name; tx->enable = false; ret = sb_sysfs_add_attrs(TX_MODULE_NAME, tx, tx_attr, ARRAY_SIZE(tx_attr)); tx_log("sb_sysfs_add_attrs ret = %s\n", (ret) ? "fail" : "success"); ret = sb_notify_register(&tx->nb, sb_noti_handler, TX_MODULE_NAME, SB_DEV_MODULE); tx_log("sb_notify_register ret = %s\n", (ret) ? "fail" : "success"); gtx = tx; mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return 0; err_parse_dt: kfree(tx); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_init); int sb_tx_set_enable(bool tx_enable, int cable_type) { struct sb_tx *tx = get_sb_tx(); if (tx_enable) { if (check_tx_err_state(tx)) { tx_log("abnormal case - run tx err work!\n"); __pm_stay_awake(tx->ws); queue_delayed_work(tx->wq, &tx->tx_err_work, msecs_to_jiffies(1000)); } } else { cancel_delayed_work(&tx->tx_err_work); __pm_relax(tx->ws); } return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_set_enable); bool sb_tx_get_enable(void) { struct sb_tx *tx = get_sb_tx(); return (tx != NULL) ? tx->enable : false; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_get_enable); int sb_tx_set_event(int value, int mask) { return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_set_event); int sb_tx_psy_set_property(enum power_supply_property psp, const union power_supply_propval *value) { return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_psy_set_property); int sb_tx_psy_get_property(enum power_supply_property psp, union power_supply_propval *value) { return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_psy_get_property); int sb_tx_monitor(int cable_type, int capacity, int lcd_state) { return 0; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(sb_tx_monitor);