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2024-06-15 16:02:09 -03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module IntegrityRoutine Contains IntegrityRoutine class helps with FIPS 140-2 build time integrity routine.
This module is needed to calculate HMAC and embed other needed stuff.
import hmac
import hashlib
import binascii
from itertools import groupby
from ELF import ELF
__author__ = "Vadym Stupakov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2017 Samsung Electronics"
__credits__ = ["Vadym Stupakov"]
__version__ = "1.0"
__maintainer__ = "Vadym Stupakov"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"
class IntegrityRoutine(ELF):
Utils for fips-integrity process
def __init__(self, elf_file, first_obj_file):
ELF.__init__(self, elf_file, first_obj_file)
def __remove_all_dublicates(lst):
Removes all occurrences of tha same value. For instance: transforms [1, 2, 4, 3, 1] -> [2, 3, 4]
:param lst: input list
:return: sorted lst w/o duplicates
output_list = []
if len(lst) < 2:
return lst
i = 0
while i < (len(lst) - 1):
value = lst[i]
if value == lst[i + 1]:
i += 1
while value == lst[i] and i < (len(lst) - 1):
i += 1
i += 1
if lst[i] != lst[i - 1]:
return output_list
def get_reloc_gaps(self, relocs_list, start_addr, end_addr):
:param start_addr: start address :int
:param end_addr: end address: int
:returns list of exclude addr like [exclude_addr1, exclude_addr2, ...]
relocs_gaps = list()
all_relocs = self.get_relocs_for_symbol(relocs_list, start_addr, end_addr)
if len(all_relocs) != 0:
for addr in all_relocs:
for addr_one in range(addr, addr + 8):
return relocs_gaps
def get_altinstruction_gaps(self, start_addr, end_addr, alt_instr_text):
:param start_addr: start address :int
:param end_addr: end address: int
:returns list of exclude addr like [exclude_alt_addr1, exclude_alt_addr2, ...]
return self.get_altinstructions(alt_instr_text, start_addr, end_addr)
def get_jump_table_gaps(self, start_addr: int, end_addr: int, jump_table: list) -> list:
Return JT related gaps are in range of our module
:param start_addr: int
:param end_addr: int
:param jump_table: list full list (over whole kernel) of JT items
:returns list of addrs to be excluded [exclude_addr1, exclude_addr2, ...]
return self.get_jump_table_module(start_addr, end_addr, jump_table)
def get_gaps(self, exclude_addrs):
gaps = list()
for addr in exclude_addrs:
gaps_removed_equal = self.__remove_all_dublicates(gaps)
return [[addr1, addr2] for addr1, addr2 in self.utils.pairwise(gaps_removed_equal)]
def get_addrs_for_hmac(self, sec_sym_sequence, exclude_addrs):
Generate addresses for calculating HMAC
:param sec_sym_sequence: [[text_symbol1, ..., text_symbolN]],[rodata_symbol1, ..., rodata_symbolN]]
:param exclude_addrs: [exclude_addr1, exclude_addr2, ..., exclude_addr3]
:return: addresses for calculating HMAC: [[addr_start, addr_end], [addr_start, addr_end], ...]
symbol_scope = list()
hmac_scope = list()
for symbol in sec_sym_sequence[0]:
for addr_one in range(symbol.addr, symbol.addr + symbol.size):
for symbol in sec_sym_sequence[1]:
for addr_one in range(symbol.addr, symbol.addr + symbol.size):
symbol_scope_final = [el for el, _ in groupby(symbol_scope)]
Exclude addresses from HMAC
i_exclude = 0
for sym_addr in symbol_scope_final:
while i_exclude < len(exclude_addrs):
if sym_addr < exclude_addrs[i_exclude]:
hmac_scope.append(sym_addr + 1)
if sym_addr == exclude_addrs[i_exclude]:
i_exclude += 1
if i_exclude >= len(exclude_addrs):
hmac_scope.append(sym_addr + 1)
hmac_removed_equal = self.__remove_all_dublicates(hmac_scope)
return [[item1, item2] for item1, item2 in self.utils.pairwise(hmac_removed_equal) if item1 != item2]
def embed_bytes(self, vaddr, in_bytes):
Write bytes to ELF file
:param vaddr: virtual address in ELF
:param in_bytes: byte array to write
offset = self.vaddr_to_file_offset(vaddr)
with open(self.get_elf_file(), "rb+") as elf_file:
def __update_hmac(self, hmac_obj, file_obj, file_offset_start, file_offset_end):
Update hmac from addrstart tp addr_end
FIXMI: it needs to implement this function via fixed block size
:param file_offset_start: could be string or int
:param file_offset_end: could be string or int
file_offset_start = self.utils.to_int(file_offset_start)
file_offset_end = self.utils.to_int(file_offset_end)
block_size = file_offset_end - file_offset_start
msg =
def get_hmac(self, offset_sequence, key, output_type="byte"):
Calculate HMAC
:param offset_sequence: start and end addresses sequence [addr_start, addr_end], [addr_start, addr_end], ...]
:param key HMAC key: string value
:param output_type string value. Could be "hex" or "byte"
:return: bytearray or hex string
digest ="utf-8")), digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
with open(self.get_elf_file(), "rb") as file:
for addr_start, addr_end in offset_sequence:
self.__update_hmac(digest, file, addr_start, addr_end)
if output_type == "byte":
return digest.digest()
if output_type == "hex":
return digest.hexdigest()
def get_canister_symbols(self, list_object_symbols, list_elf_symbols):
Getting result canister symbols list
canister_symbols = list()
for obj_one in list_object_symbols:
for elf_one in list_elf_symbols:
if obj_one[1] == or[1] + ".")):
return canister_symbols
def get_filtered_canister_symbols(self, list_object_files, debug=False):
Getting final list of canister symbols for sections .text, init.text and .rodata
text_object_symbols = list()
rodata_object_symbols = list()
for path_to_files in list_object_files:
s_text_object_symbols, s_rodata_object_symbols = self.get_symbols_from_obj_files(path_to_files[0], path_to_files[1])
if debug:
print("\nNumber defined symbols in .text and .init.text of SKC object files: ", len(text_object_symbols))
print("Number defined symbols in .rodata of SKC object files: ", len(rodata_object_symbols))
elf_symbols_text, elf_symbols_rodata, _ = self.get_elf_symbols_list()
if debug:
print("\nNumber symbols from output ELF in .text and .init.text: ", len(elf_symbols_text))
print("Number symbols from output ELF in .rodata: ", len(elf_symbols_rodata))
canister_symbols_text = self.get_canister_symbols(text_object_symbols, elf_symbols_text)
canister_symbols_rodata = self.get_canister_symbols(rodata_object_symbols, elf_symbols_rodata)
canister_symbols_text.sort(key=lambda class_symbol: class_symbol.addr)
canister_symbols_rodata.sort(key=lambda class_symbol: class_symbol.addr)
if debug:
print("\nNumber symbols included to canister from .text and .init.text: ", len(canister_symbols_text))
print("Number symbols included to canister from .rodata", len(canister_symbols_rodata))
canister_symbols_text_no_matches = [el for el, _ in groupby(canister_symbols_text)]
canister_symbols_rodata_no_matches = [el for el, _ in groupby(canister_symbols_rodata)]
if debug:
print("\nSize canister after removing unnecessary identical symbols in .text and .init.text: ", len(canister_symbols_text_no_matches))
print("Size canister after removing unnecessary identical symbols in .rodata: ", len(canister_symbols_rodata_no_matches))
return [canister_symbols_text_no_matches, canister_symbols_rodata_no_matches]
def unite_borders(self, fields_scope):
if len(fields_scope) < 2:
return fields_scope
united_list = list()
for i in range(1, len(fields_scope)):
if united_list[-2] == united_list[-3]:
return [[item1, item2] for item1, item2 in self.utils.pairwise(united_list) if item1 != item2]
def print_covered_symbols_info(self, sec_sym, addrs_for_hmac, gaps_cover):
str_out = "{:<4}| {:<72} {:<25} {:<10} {:<12} size: {:<10}"
print("\nSymbols for integrity in .text:\n")
for i in range(0, len(sec_sym[0])):
symbol_one = sec_sym[0][i]
print(str_out.format(i + 1,, hex(symbol_one.addr),
symbol_one.type, symbol_one.bind, hex(symbol_one.size)))
print("\nSymbols for integrity in .rodata:\n")
for i in range(0, len(sec_sym[1])):
symbol_one = sec_sym[1][i]
print(str_out.format(i + 1,, hex(symbol_one.addr),
symbol_one.type, symbol_one.bind, hex(symbol_one.size)))
str_out = "{:4}| [{}, {}]"
print("\nHMAC integrity area cover:\n")
hmac_cover = 0
for i in range(0, len(addrs_for_hmac)):
l_one_hmac = addrs_for_hmac[i]
hmac_cover += (l_one_hmac[1] - l_one_hmac[0])
print(str_out.format(i + 1, hex(l_one_hmac[0]), hex(l_one_hmac[1])))
percent_cover = ((100*hmac_cover) / (hmac_cover + gaps_cover))
print("\nModule covered bytes len : {} ".format(self.utils.human_size(hmac_cover + gaps_cover)))
print("HMAC covered bytes len : {} ".format(self.utils.human_size(hmac_cover)))
print("Skipped bytes len : {} ".format(self.utils.human_size(gaps_cover)))
print("HMAC % covered : {:.4}% ".format(percent_cover))
def print_relocation_gaps_info(self, gaps, print_reloc_gaps):
gaps_cover = 0
if not print_reloc_gaps:
for i in range(0, len(gaps)):
l_one_gap = gaps[i]
gaps_cover += (l_one_gap[1] - l_one_gap[0])
return gaps_cover
str_out = "{:4}| [{}, {}]"
print("\nRelocation gaps:\n")
for i in range(0, len(gaps)):
l_one_gap = gaps[i]
gaps_cover += (l_one_gap[1] - l_one_gap[0])
print(str_out.format(i + 1, hex(l_one_gap[0]), hex(l_one_gap[1])))
return gaps_cover
def dump_covered_bytes(self, vaddr_seq, out_file_bin, out_file_txt):
Dumps covered bytes
:param vaddr_seq: [[start1, end1], [start2, end2]] start - end sequence of covered bytes
:param out_file_bin: file where will be stored binary dumped bytes
:param out_file_txt: file where will be stored string dumped bytes
with open(self.get_elf_file(), "rb") as elf_fp:
with open(out_file_bin, "wb") as out_fp:
with open(out_file_txt, "w") as out_ft:
i = 0
for vaddr_start, vaddr_end, in vaddr_seq:
block_size = vaddr_end - vaddr_start
dump_mem =
out_ft.write("\nArea cover {} [{}, {}], size = {}:\n".format(i, hex(vaddr_start), hex(vaddr_end), hex(block_size)))
str_dump = ''
for l_count in range(0, block_size):
str_dump = str_dump + self.utils.byte_int_to_hex_str2(dump_mem[l_count]) + " "
if (l_count + 1) % 16 == 0:
str_dump = str_dump + "\n"
str_dump = str_dump + "\n"
i += 1
def print_dump_covered_area(self, vaddr_start, vaddr_end):
Dumps covered bytes in [vaddr_start - vaddr_end]
:param vaddr_start: start address for print area
:param vaddr_end: end address for print area
with open(self.get_elf_file(), "rb") as elf_fp:
block_size = vaddr_end - vaddr_start
dump_mem =
print("\nArea cover [{}, {}], size = {}:\n".format(hex(vaddr_start), hex(vaddr_end), hex(block_size)))
str_dump = ''
for l_count in range(0, block_size):
str_dump = str_dump + self.utils.byte_int_to_hex_str(dump_mem[l_count]) + " "
if (l_count + 1) % 16 == 0:
str_dump = str_dump + "\n"
str_dump = str_dump + "\n"
def print_address_field(self, addr_start, size, base):
with open(self.get_elf_file(), "rb") as elf_fp:
dump_mem =
str_dump = ''
for l_count in range(0, size):
str_dump = str_dump + self.utils.byte_int_to_hex_str(dump_mem[l_count]) + " "
if (l_count + 1) % base == 0:
str_dump = str_dump + "\n"
str_dump = str_dump + "\n"
print("From addr_start ", hex(addr_start), ":")
def print_numeric_list(self, str_descr, input_list):
if input_list is not None:
if len(input_list) != 0:
print(str_descr, "\n")
i = 1
str_out = "{:4}| {}"
for l in input_list:
print(str_out.format(i, hex(l)))
i += 1
def get_relocations_for_init_data(self, addr_start, addr_end):
Getting relocation table from output ELF file
ftrace_tbl = list()
rela_sect_obj = self.get_section_by_name(".rela.dyn")
if rela_sect_obj is None:
return ftrace_tbl
with open(self.get_elf_file(), "rb") as elf_fp:
i = 0
while i < rela_sect_obj.size:
dump_mem =
r_offset = self.utils.dump_to_int(dump_mem)
dump_mem =
r_info = self.utils.dump_to_int(dump_mem) # pylint: disable=unused-variable
dump_mem =
r_addend = self.utils.dump_to_int(dump_mem)
if addr_start <= r_offset < addr_end:
i += 24
return ftrace_tbl
def get_exclude_ftrace_addr(self, sec_sym, ftrace_tbl):
Getting excluded addresses from ftrace table
ftrace_addr_change = list()
if len(ftrace_tbl) == 0:
return ftrace_addr_change
i_ftrace = 0
for symbol in sec_sym:
addr_start = symbol.addr
addr_end = symbol.addr + symbol.size
while i_ftrace < len(ftrace_tbl):
if ftrace_tbl[i_ftrace] >= addr_start and ftrace_tbl[i_ftrace] < addr_end:
for skip_addr in range(ftrace_tbl[i_ftrace], ftrace_tbl[i_ftrace] + 4):
elif ftrace_tbl[i_ftrace] >= addr_end:
i_ftrace += 1
return ftrace_addr_change
def get_ftrace_gaps(self, sec_sym):
ftrace_tbl = list()
start_mcount_loc = self.get_symbol_by_name_init_data("__start_mcount_loc")
stop_mcount_loc = self.get_symbol_by_name_init_data("__stop_mcount_loc")
if start_mcount_loc is not None and stop_mcount_loc is not None:
print("\nFind ftrace table:")
print("\"__start_mcount_loc\", address = ", hex(start_mcount_loc.addr))
print("\"__stop_mcount_loc.addr\", address = ", hex(stop_mcount_loc.addr))
ftrace_tbl = self.get_relocations_for_init_data(start_mcount_loc.addr, stop_mcount_loc.addr)
print("Number addresses in ftrace table", len(ftrace_tbl))
return self.get_exclude_ftrace_addr(sec_sym, ftrace_tbl)
def make_integrity(self, sec_sym, module_name, debug=False, print_reloc_gaps=False):
Calculate HMAC and embed needed info
:param sec_sym: {sec_name: [addr1, addr2, ..., addrN]}
:param module_name: module name that you want to make integrity. See Makefile targets
:param debug: If True prints debug information
:param print_reloc_addrs: If True, print relocation addresses that are skipped
:param sort_by: sort method
:param reverse: sort order
Checks: .rodata section for relocations
.text section for alternated instructions
.init.text section for alternated instructions section for ftrace table
relocs_text, relocs_rodata = self.get_relocs_text_rodata()
alt_instr_text, alt_instr_rodata = self.get_text_rodata_altinstructions_lists()
jump_table = self.get_jump_table_list()
if debug:
print("\nSize relocations instruction in text sections:", len(relocs_text))
print("Size relocations instruction in .rodata:", len(relocs_rodata))
print("\nSize alternative instruction in text sections:", len(alt_instr_text))
print("Size alternative instruction in .rodata:", len(alt_instr_rodata))
if len(alt_instr_rodata) != 0:
print("\nAttention: size alternative instruction in .rodata != 0:", len(alt_instr_rodata))
ftrace_exclude_addrs = self.get_ftrace_gaps(sec_sym[0])
exclude_addrs = list()
if len(ftrace_exclude_addrs) != 0:
print("Number exclude ftrace addresses from canister", len(ftrace_exclude_addrs))
if len(relocs_rodata) != 0:
for symbol_rodata in sec_sym[1]:
exclude_addrs.extend(self.get_reloc_gaps(relocs_rodata, symbol_rodata.addr, symbol_rodata.addr + symbol_rodata.size))
if len(relocs_text) != 0:
for symbol_text in sec_sym[0]:
exclude_addrs.extend(self.get_reloc_gaps(relocs_text, symbol_text.addr, symbol_text.addr + symbol_text.size))
if len(alt_instr_text) != 0:
for symbol_text in sec_sym[0]:
exclude_addrs.extend(self.get_altinstruction_gaps(symbol_text.addr, symbol_text.addr + symbol_text.size, alt_instr_text))
if len(jump_table) != 0:
for symbol_text in sec_sym[0]:
exclude_addrs.extend(self.get_jump_table_gaps(symbol_text.addr, symbol_text.addr + symbol_text.size, jump_table))
exclude_addrs_no_matches = [ex for ex, _ in groupby(exclude_addrs)]
gaps_cover = self.print_relocation_gaps_info(self.get_gaps(exclude_addrs_no_matches), print_reloc_gaps)
print("\nGAPs covered bytes len : {} \n".format(self.utils.human_size(gaps_cover)))
hmac_fields = self.get_addrs_for_hmac(sec_sym, exclude_addrs_no_matches)
addrs_for_hmac = self.unite_borders(hmac_fields)
if len(addrs_for_hmac) < 4096:
digest = self.get_hmac(addrs_for_hmac, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
self.embed_bytes(self.get_symbol_by_name_rodata("builtime_" + module_name + "_hmac").addr,
buildtime_integrity_crypto_addrs = self.get_symbol_by_name_rodata("integrity_" + module_name + "_addrs")
buildtime_crypto_buildtime_address = self.get_symbol_by_name_rodata(module_name + "_buildtime_address")
self.embed_bytes(self.get_symbol_by_name_rodata("integrity_" + module_name + "_addrs").addr,
self.embed_bytes(self.get_symbol_by_name_rodata(module_name + "_buildtime_address").addr,
self.utils.to_bytearray(self.get_symbol_by_name_rodata(module_name + "_buildtime_address").addr))
if debug:
self.print_numeric_list("\nFtrace excluded addresses:", ftrace_exclude_addrs)
self.print_covered_symbols_info(sec_sym, addrs_for_hmac, gaps_cover)
self.dump_covered_bytes(addrs_for_hmac, "covered_dump_for_" + module_name + ".bin",
"covered_dump_for_" + module_name + ".txt")
print("\nCovered area for " + "integrity_" + module_name + "_addrs:")
buildtime_integrity_crypto_addrs.addr + len(addrs_for_hmac)*2*8 + 2*8)
print("integrity_crypto_addrs: ", buildtime_integrity_crypto_addrs)
print("crypto_buildtime_address: ", buildtime_crypto_buildtime_address)
print("HMAC for \"{}\" module is: {}".format(module_name, binascii.hexlify(digest)))
print("FIPS integrity procedure has been finished for {}".format(module_name))
print("ERROR: size of address HMAC gaps exceeds allocated memory in kernel " + module_name + "module: ",